A colorful spec-style test runner for Java
Spectrum is inspired by the behavior-driven testing frameworks Jasmine, mocha, and RSpec, bringing their expressive syntax and functional style to Java tests. It is a custom runner for JUnit, so it works with many development and reporting tools out of the box.
see also ExampleSpec.java
public class ExampleSpec {{
describe("A spec", () -> {
final int foo = 1;
it("is just a code block with a run() method", new Block() {
public void run() throws Throwable {
assertEquals(1, foo);
it("can also be a lambda function, which is a lot prettier", () -> {
assertEquals(1, foo);
it("can use any assertion library you like", () -> {
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(1, foo);
org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(true, is(true));
describe("nested inside a second describe", () -> {
final int bar = 1;
it("can reference both scopes as needed", () -> {
assertThat(bar, is(equalTo(foo)));
it("can have `it`s and `describe`s in any order", () -> {
assertThat(foo, is(1));
describe("A spec using beforeEach and afterEach", () -> {
final List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
beforeEach(() -> {
beforeEach(() -> {
afterEach(() -> {
it("runs the beforeEach() blocks in order", () -> {
assertThat(items, contains("foo", "bar"));
it("runs them before every test", () -> {
assertThat(items, contains("foo", "bar"));
it("runs afterEach after every test", () -> {
assertThat(items, not(contains("bogus")));
describe("when nested", () -> {
beforeEach(() -> {
it("runs beforeEach and afterEach from inner and outer scopes", () -> {
assertThat(items, contains("foo", "bar", "baz"));
- JUnit 4
- Java 8
(The Spectrum runner itself should be compatible back to Java 6; verified support for specs written using Retrolambda is forthcoming.)