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ao Development Container

This is a dev container for vs code that allows user to spin up a quick development environment in docker.


You will need VS Code and the Dev Containers extension.

You will need Node installed to generate wallets.

You will need Docker Desktop installed to host the dev container.


You will need a .env file. A full example is provided in .env.example.

Generate the wallets for the SU, MU, and CU:

./ # Will generate a wallet.json in ./services/su/, ./services/mu/, and ./services/cu


Windows users make sure to run ./ using Git Bash.


If you don't want to use the default configurations for the SU, MU, and CU. You can update there respective .env files in ./services/{SERVICE}/.env.{SERVICE} If you change any of the SU postgres configuration you will need to update the su-db service in the docker-compose.yaml.


  • INSTALL_LUA: whether or not to install Lua. (Defaults to false)

  • INSTALL_PYTHON: whether or not to install Python. (Defaults to true)

  • INSTALL_EMSDK: whether or not to install EMSDK (Emscripten). (Defaults to false)

  • INSTALL_RUST: whether or not to install Rust. (Defaults to false)

  • INSTALL_NODE: whether or not to install Node. (Defaults to true)

  • INSTALL_DENO: whether or not to install DENO. (Defaults to true)

  • LUA_VERSION: version of Lua to be install. (Defaults to 5.3.4)

  • LUAROCKS_VERSION: version of LuaRocks to be install. (Defaults to 2.4.4)

  • EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION: version of Emscripten to be install. (Defaults to 3.1.59)

  • RUST_VERSION: version of rust to be install. (Defaults to 1.79.0)

  • NODE_VERSION: version of node to be install. (Defaults to 22.4.1)

Recommended System Requirements

  • OS: Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux, Mac
  • Processor: 64-bit processor with at least 4 cores.
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM.
  • Storage: 4 GB available space.