Please follow the official instructions:
However, some convenient command line tools may be helpful:
Please follow the official instructions:
3.1 Quick start guide - PC startup (noetic) and 6.1 Simulation - Gazebo simulation would be enough
After setting up the environment, copy the files from the folder "turtlebot" of this repository to the turtlebot_simulation/turtlebot_gazebo. The files in the turtlebot/launch go into turtlebot_simulation/turtlebot_gazebo/launch and the files in the turtlebot/worlds go into turtlebot_simulation/turtlebot_gazebo/worlds. Then go to the turtlebot workspace:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo static_hard.launch
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo static_easy.launch
- Create your own workspace, (e.g. test_ws) and create a src inside. In the src folder, clone this repository.
git clone
- Compile and run this repository
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch subharmonic_apf move.launch
- Play with the parameters
Inside the subharmonic_apf folder, there's a config.yaml file. In this file there are a lot parameters to play with, including different path planning method(USE_TRADITION, USE_SAMPLE, ONLY_PLAN).
You can use these parameters to reproduce the results in the paper.