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elasticsearch schema files and tooling


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This repository is part of the Pelias project. Pelias is an open-source, open-data geocoder originally sponsored by Mapzen. Our official user documentation is here.

Pelias Elasticsearch Schema Definition

This package defines the Elasticsearch schema used by Pelias. Pelias requires quite a few settings for performance and accuracy. This repository contains those settings as well as useful tools to ensure they are applied correctly.

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$ npm install pelias-schema


create index

node scripts/create_index.js;               # quick start

drop index

node scripts/drop_index.js;                 # drop everything
node scripts/drop_index.js --force-yes;     # skip warning prompt

reset a single type

This is useful when you want to reset a single type without wiping the rest of your index.

node scripts/reset_type.js mytype;          # reset a single type

update settings on an existing index

This is useful when you want to add a new analyser or filter to an existing index.

note: it is impossible to change the number_of_shards for an existing index, this will require a full re-index.

node scripts/update_settings.js;          # update index settings

output schema file

Use this script to pretty-print the whole schema file or a single mapping to stdout.

node scripts/output_mapping.js mytype;          # single type mapping
node scripts/output_mapping.js;                 # whole schema file

check all mandatory elasticsearch plugins are correctly installed

Print a list of which plugins are installed and how to install any that are missing.

node scripts/check_plugins.js;

user customizable synonyms files

You may provide your own custom synonyms by editing files in the ./synonyms/ directory.

$ ls -1 synonyms/custom_*

You must edit the files before running create_index.js, any changes made to the files will require you to drop and recreate the index before those synonyms are available.

Synonyms are only used at index-time. The filename contains the name of the elasticsearch field which the synonyms will apply. ie. custom_name will apply to the name.* fields, custom_street will apply to the field and custom_admin will apply to the parent.* fields.

see: #273 for more info.

With great power comes great responsibility. Synonyms files are often used as a hammer when a scalpel is required. Please take care with their use and make maintainers aware that you are using custom synonyms when you open support tickets.

NPM Module

The pelias-schema npm module can be found here:

You can pull down a versioned copy of the pelias schema from npm:

var schema = require('pelias-schema');

console.log( JSON.stringify( schema, null, 2 ) );


Please fork and pull request against upstream master on a feature branch.

Pretty please; provide unit tests and script fixtures in the test directory.

Running Unit Tests

$ npm test

Running Integration Tests

Requires a running elasticsearch server (no other setup required)

$ npm run integration

Running elasticsearch in Docker (for testing purposes)

Download the image and start an elasticsearch docker container:

$ docker run --name elastic-test -p 9200:9200 elasticsearch:2

Once the service has started you will need to ensure the plugins are installed, in a new window:

$ node scripts/check_plugins.js

 checking elasticsearch plugins

node 'Nebulon' [x5sGjG6lSc2lWMf_hd6NwA]
 checking plugin 'analysis-icu': ✖

1 required plugin(s) are not installed on the node(s) shown above.
you must install the plugins before continuing with the installation.

you can install the missing packages on 'Nebulon' [] with the following command(s):

 sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install analysis-icu

note: some plugins may require you to restart elasticsearch.

While the docker container is still running, execute this in another window:

$ docker exec -it elastic-test /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install analysis-icu
-> Installing analysis-icu...
Trying ...
Downloading .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................DONE
Verifying checksums if available ...
Downloading .DONE
Installed analysis-icu into /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/analysis-icu

The plugin has been installed, you will now need to restart the elasticsearch service:

# use ctrl+c to exit and then:

$ docker start elastic-test

The restarted server should now pass the node scripts/check_plugins.js check, you are good to go.

Continuous Integration

Travis tests every release against all supported Node.js versions.