Update outdated npm modules with zero pain™
Based on npm outdated
, updtr installs the latest version and runs npm test
for each dependency. If the test succeeds, updtr saves the new version number to your package.json
. If the test fails, however, updtr rolls back its changes.
npm install -g updtr
➜ ~ updtr --help
Usage: updtr [options]
Update outdated npm modules with zero pain™
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-R, --reporter <reporter> choose reporter: default, shy
-w, --wanted updates to wanted version specified in package.json instead of the modules latest version
-t, --test <test> change the command for the tests
-e, --exclude <exclude> exclude modules comma seperated, e.g. updtr --exclude module1,module2
--test-stdout shows stdout if your test command fails
--save-exact save exact module version
--registry change registry