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Prefer arrow functions #23



Over the past years, my personal preference on functions vs. arrow functions has shifted towards arrow functions. I used to be against arrow functions as a general replacement as they behave different than regular function. Typical arguments against arrow functions in general were:

  1. They don't provide arguments
  2. this is derived from the upper scope
  3. They are not callable via new
  4. They don't have a prototype
  5. They are not hoisted, but are only available after evaluation
  6. They appeared as anonymous function in stack traces (.name was undefined)

But now I've changed my mind:

  1. With rest parameters, arrow functions can have arguments. Rest parameters are better because they are actual arrays. And in general, I think that all these arguments and rest parameters tricks can be replaced with regular array arguments which are more explicit and expressive anyway.

  2. I never use this in regular functions. Functions that use this should be part of a class where you can use method shorthands without the function keyword. A function that uses this and that is not part of a class should rather accept an explicit argument than an implicit this (we already enforce this with no-invalid-this).

  3. This is a good feature. If a function should be callable with new, it should be a class

  4. Same as above

  5. This is never a real issue. If it is, it can be replaced with simpler and more explicit code. Not true. This may become an issue when evaluating modules that are part of a cyclic dependency graph.

  6. This is not true anymore. JavaScript engines derive the function name from the variable name:

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-31 um 16 19 50

Benefits of preferring arrow functions:

  • Not accidentally callable with new (already mentioned)
  • They discourage strange usage of this (already mentioned)
  • Unified function style (= no special rules that arrow functions are only appropriate in certain scenarios)
  • Shorter one line functions (no return) which are very common in functional programming patterns like Redux' action creators (see also Allow one line arrow functions #22)

The two last arguments are the most important ones for me that motivated me to change the rule. What do you think about it?



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