- StreamLabs listener (with socket.io-client)
- Express server with Inversify
- Service to store new donations from StreamLabs
- Service to list all donations
- Service to list unreviewed donations
- Service to review donations
- Send total/new reviewed donation when a new donation is reviewed
- Set up event (create, start, and finish event)
- Send total donation (per event) in websocket
- Service to create user
- Implement JWT strategy (Authenticate Service & middleware)
- Middleware to ensure authentication
- Validate requests inputs
- Store who reviewed donation
- Create Docker for production
- Pagination
- Set up Games
- Donations incentives
- Relation Donation <-> Incentive
- General important cache
- Find way to deal with different currencies
- Set up event schedule
- Add donation method w/ StripeJS
- Listen to stripe webhooks and store new donations
- Create method to check if there's new donations if application crash/stop working for each listener
Soon (in another repo :P)