capitalize(self) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString with its first character capitalized and the rest lowercased.
casefold(self) -> "LangString"
- Return a casefolded copy of the LangString.
center(self, width: int, fillchar: str = " ") -> "LangString"
- Return a centered LangString of length width with specified fill character.
count(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None) -> int
- Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub.
endswith(self, suffix: str, start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None) -> bool
- Return True if the LangString ends with the specified suffix.
expandtabs(self, tabsize: int = 8) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString where all tab characters are expanded using spaces.
find(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None) -> int
- Return the lowest index where substring sub is found.
format(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "LangString"
- Perform a string formatting operation on the LangString.
format_map(self, mapping: dict[Any, Any]) -> "LangString"
- Perform a string formatting operation using a dictionary.
index(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None) -> int
- Return the lowest index where substring sub is found.
isalnum(self) -> bool
- Return True if all characters in the LangString are alphanumeric.
isalpha(self) -> bool
- Return True if all characters in the LangString are alphabetic.
isascii(self) -> bool
- Return True if all characters in the LangString are ASCII characters.
isdecimal(self) -> bool
- Return True if all characters in the LangString are decimal characters.
isdigit(self) -> bool
- Return True if all characters in the LangString are digits.
isidentifier(self) -> bool
- Return True if the LangString is a valid identifier according to Python language definition.
islower(self) -> bool
- Return True if all cased characters in the LangString are lowercase.
isnumeric(self) -> bool
- Return True if all characters in the LangString are numeric characters.
isprintable(self) -> bool
- Return True if all characters in the LangString are printable.
isspace(self) -> bool
- Return True if there are only whitespace characters in the LangString.
istitle(self) -> bool
- Return True if the LangString is a titlecased string.
isupper(self) -> bool
- Return True if all cased characters in the LangString are uppercase.
join(self, iterable: Iterable[str]) -> "LangString"
- Join an iterable of strings with the LangString's text.
ljust(self, width: int, fillchar: str = " ") -> "LangString"
- Return a left-justified LangString of length width with specified fill character.
lower(self) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString with all characters converted to lowercase.
lstrip(self, chars: Optional[str] = None) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString with leading characters removed.
partition(self, sep: str) -> tuple["LangString", "LangString", "LangString"]
- Split the LangString at the first occurrence of sep and return a 3-tuple.
replace(self, old: str, new: str, count: int = -1) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new.
removeprefix(self, prefix: str) -> "LangString"
- Remove the specified prefix from the LangString's text.
removesuffix(self, suffix: str) -> "LangString"
- Remove the specified suffix from the LangString's text.
rfind(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None) -> int
- Return the highest index where substring sub is found.
rindex(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None) -> int
- Return the highest index where substring sub is found.
rjust(self, width: int, fillchar: str = " ") -> "LangString"
- Return a right-justified LangString of length width with specified fill character.
rpartition(self, sep: str) -> tuple["LangString", "LangString", "LangString"]
- Split the LangString at the last occurrence of sep and return a 3-tuple.
rsplit(self, sep: Optional[str] = None, maxsplit: int = -1) -> list["LangString"]
- Return a list of the words in the LangString, using sep as the delimiter string.
rstrip(self, chars: Optional[str] = None) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString with trailing characters removed.
split(self, sep: Optional[str] = None, maxsplit: int = -1) -> list["LangString"]
- Return a list of the words in the LangString, using sep as the delimiter string.
splitlines(self, keepends: bool = False) -> list["LangString"]
- Return a list of the lines in the LangString, breaking at line boundaries.
startswith(self, prefix: str, start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None) -> bool
- Return True if the LangString starts with the specified prefix.
strip(self, chars: Optional[str] = None) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString with leading and trailing characters removed.
swapcase(self) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa.
title(self) -> "LangString"
- Return a titlecased version of the LangString.
translate(self, table: dict[int, str]) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString with each character mapped through the given translation table.
upper(self) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString with all characters converted to uppercase.
zfill(self, width: int) -> "LangString"
- Return a copy of the LangString left filled with ASCII '0' digits to make a string of length width.
__add__(self, other: Union["LangString", str]) -> "LangString"
- Add another LangString or a string to this LangString.
__contains__(self, item: str) -> bool
- Check if a substring exists within the LangString's text.
__eq__(self, other: object) -> bool
- Check equality of this LangString with another object.
__ge__(self, other: object) -> bool
- Check if this LangString is greater than or equal to another str or LangString object.
__getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> "LangString"
- Retrieve a substring or a reversed string from the LangString's text.
__gt__(self, other: object) -> bool
- Check if this LangString is greater than another LangString object.
__hash__(self) -> int
- Generate a hash value for a LangString object.
__iadd__(self, other: Union["LangString", str]) -> "LangString"
- Implement in-place addition for LangString objects.
__imul__(self, other: int) -> "LangString"
- Implement in-place multiplication of the LangString's text.
__iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]
- Enable iteration over the text part of the LangString.
__le__(self, other: object) -> bool
- Check if this LangString is less than or equal to another LangString object or string.
__len__(self) -> int
- Return the length of the LangString's text.
__lt__(self, other: object) -> bool
- Check if this LangString is less than another LangString object or string.
__mul__(self, other: int) -> "LangString"
- Multiply the LangString's text a specified number of times.
__radd__(self, other: str) -> str
- Handle concatenation when LangString is on the right side of the '+' operator.
__repr__(self) -> str
- Return an unambiguous string representation of the LangString.
__rmul__(self, other: int) -> "LangString"
- Implement right multiplication for LangString.
__str__(self) -> str
- Define the string representation of the LangString object.