Below is the complete list of development dependencies required for developing and maintaining the LangString Python Library.
- loguru: A library aimed at simplifying logging in Python.
- mypy: An optional static type checker for Python.
- poetry: Dependency management and packaging tool for Python.
- pre-commit: A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
- pytest: A framework that makes building simple and scalable test cases easy.
- pytest-cov: Pytest plugin for measuring test coverage.
- tomli: A TOML parser for Python.
- sphinx: A documentation generator for Python projects.
- sphinx-autoapi: A Sphinx extension that generates API documentation automatically.
- sphinx-rtd-size: Adjusts font size for Sphinx Read the Docs theme.
- sphinx-rtd-theme: A Sphinx theme for Read the Docs.
- sphinx-toolbox: A set of utilities and extensions for Sphinx.
- flake8: A tool for style guide enforcement and linting.
- flake8-broken-line: A Flake8 plugin for detecting broken lines.
- flake8-fixme: A Flake8 plugin to track FIXME, TODO, and other markers.
- flake8-implicit-str-concat: A Flake8 plugin for implicit string concatenation.
- flake8-noqa: A Flake8 plugin to enforce the use of # noqa comments.
- flake8-pyproject: A Flake8 plugin to read configuration from pyproject.toml.
- flake8-pytest-style: A Flake8 plugin for pytest-specific style checks.
- flake8-return: A Flake8 plugin to enforce explicit return statements.
- flake8-unused-arguments: A Flake8 plugin to find unused function arguments.
- flake8-useless-assert: A Flake8 plugin to detect useless assert statements.
- pep8-naming: A Flake8 plugin for checking PEP8 naming conventions.
- pydoclint: A documentation style checker for Python.
- pydocstyle: A tool to check compliance with Python docstring conventions.
- pyflakes: A tool to check Python source files for errors.
- tryceratops: A Flake8 plugin to identify overly complex try/except statements.