Just: # gem install nif
irb> require 'nif'
=> true
# generate a nif
irb> Nif::Generator.generate
=> "943935784"
# generate an unique nif (it will not be generated anymore during this session)
irb> Nif::Generator.generate_unique
=> "812627318"
# validate a nif
irb> Nif::Validator.validate '812627318'
=> true
This gem covers the generation and validation of the Portuguese Fiscal Code (or NIF). I encourage you to contribute but be sure to include a test covering your changes in your pull request. I've tested it on ruby 1.8.7-p358, 1.9.3-p125 and rails 3.2.3.
Have fun!
# test unit
rake test
# rspec
rake spec
# cucumber features
rake cucumber
# check coverage
rake rcov # open coverage/index.html for the results
To have this included as a rails custom validator you have to include it on your model like this:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
include Nif
validates :nif, :nif=> true
nif comes with it's own I18n file but you can also define the :invalid key in your locale to have a custom message in your models like this:
invalid: 'is not valid!'
Have javascript validations available.