This section has code examples to help you understand it better.
To run the examples:
make demo-context_free
Context-free transformations allow you to read and modify code locally, without needing to consider the global context. In practice, this means that a portion of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is provided to the transformation, and the transformation returns a new AST with the applied modifications.
There are two main types of context-free transformations:
- Extenders: These modify the extension node by generating new code.
- Derivers: These append code after the item without changing the original item.
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Extenders allow you to replace an extension node with new content. However, they do not have direct access to the surrounding code context, so they cannot change the surrounding code.
An extension node is a node in the AST that represents an extension point. For example, in the code let x = [%foo]
, [%foo]
is an extension node.
Let's look at some examples to understand how this works.
With extenders, we need to:
- Hook the extension.
- Transform the payload (if there is one).
- Create a new AST.
Consider the following code:
let one = [%one]
(* Output: let one = 1 *)
Here, [%one]
is replaced with the integer value 1
. This is a basic example of an extender transformation.
Declare the extension name:
let extender_name = "one"
Define the extender extractor:
Since there is no payload (additional data), we define the extractor as:let extender_extracter = Ast_pattern.(pstr nil)
Create the new AST:
We define the expression that will replace[%one]
:let expression ~loc = [%expr 1]
Alternatively, you can use:
let expression ~loc = Ast_builder.Default.eint ~loc 1
Declare the extender and register it:
(* Define the expansion logic *) let expand ~ctxt = let loc = Expansion_context.Extension.extension_point_loc ctxt in expression ~loc (* Define the extension *) let extension = Extension.V3.declare extender_name Extension.Context.expression extender_extracter expand (* Register the extender *) let rule = Ppxlib.Context_free.Rule.extension extension let () = Driver.register_transformation ~rules:[ rule ] extender_name
Let's look at a more complex example, where we replace [%emoji "grin"]
with an emoji:
let grin = [%emoji "grin"]
(* Output: let grin = "😀" *)
Declare the extension name and extractor:
Here, the payload is a string (the alias of the emoji):let extender_name = "emoji" let extender_extracter = Ast_pattern.(single_expr_payload (estring __))
Create the new AST:
We define the expression to replace the alias with the corresponding emoji:let expression ~loc ~emoji = [%expr [%e estring ~loc emoji]]
Define the expansion logic:
We need to map the alias to an emoji and return the appropriate AST. If the alias isn't found, we return an error:let emojis = [ { emoji = "😀"; alias = "grin" }; { emoji = "😃"; alias = "smiley" }; { emoji = "😄"; alias = "smile" }; ] let expand ~ctxt emoji_text = let loc = Expansion_context.Extension.extension_point_loc ctxt in let find_emoji_by_alias alias = List.find_opt (fun emoji -> alias = emoji.alias) emojis in match find_emoji_by_alias emoji_text with | Some value -> expression ~loc ~emoji:value.emoji | None -> let ext = Location.error_extensionf ~loc "No emoji found for alias %s" emoji_text in Ast_builder.Default.pexp_extension ~loc ext
Declare the extender:
let extension = Extension.V3.declare extender_name Extension.Context.expression extender_extracter expand
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Derivers are different from extenders in that they append new code after an existing item rather than replacing parts of it. The new code works in conjunction with the original item, or independently, depending on the transformation needed.
A simple and common example of a deriver is the enum
type t = A | B [@@deriving enum]
(* Output:
type t = A | B
let to_string = function
| A -> "A"
| B -> "B"
let from_string = function
| "A" -> A
| "B" -> B
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Argument doesn't match t variants")
In this example, the deriver enum
automatically generates to_string
and from_string
functions for a variant type.
Derivers are generally more complex to register than extenders, but PPXLib simplifies this with the Deriving.add
function, which handles the registration. This function uses Driver.register_transformation
under the hood.
It can be attached to various types of structures and signatures. For instance, to create a deriver for a type declaration, you would use the ~str_type_decl
argument. If the deriver should also work for signature items, you would use the ~sig_type_decl
The full list of arguments for Deriving.add
can be found in the documentation.
The following example is more complex. Take your time; it’s explained step by step.
Let's say we want to add to_string
and from_string
functions to a simple variant type:
type t = A | B [@@deriving enum]
(* Output:
type t = A | B
let to_string = function
| A -> "A"
| B -> "B"
let from_string = function
| "A" -> A
| "B" -> B
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Argument doesn't match t variants")
Declare the deriver name:
let deriver_name = "enum"
Define the arguments for the deriver:
For this example, we don't have any arguments:let args () = Deriving.Args.(empty)
Build the new AST:
We'll match the AST we want to transform and generate theto_string
Match the type declaration with pattern matching:
let enum2 ~ctxt ast = let loc = Expansion_context.Deriver.derived_item_loc ctxt in match ast with | ( _, [ { ptype_name = { txt = type_name; _ }; ptype_kind = Ptype_variant variants; _; }; ] ) -> (* the structure_item we are looking for is a PStr_type *) match structure_item with | ( (* Doesn't matter the rec_flag for us *) _, [ { ptype_name = { txt = type_name; _ }; ptype_kind = Ptype_variant variants; _; }; ] )
-> (* ... ) | _ -> ( ... *) ```
Create functions to generate the patterns:
All we are going to do here is what we covered in Building AST. So it shouldn't be a problem to understand this part.-
Creating the
function:let function_name suffix = type_name ^ suffix in let arg_pattern = [%pat? value] in let function_name_pattern = [%pat? [%p ppat_var ~loc { txt = function_name "_to_string"; loc }]] in let to_string_expr = [%stri let [%p function_name_pattern] = fun [%p arg_pattern] -> [%e pexp_match ~loc [%expr value] ( (fun { pcd_name = { txt = value; _ }; _ } -> case ~lhs: (ppat_construct ~loc (Located.lident ~loc value) None) ~guard:None ~rhs:(expr_string value)) variants)]]
Build the
function:let else_case = case ~lhs:[%pat? [%p ppat_any ~loc]] ~guard:None ~rhs: [%expr raise (Invalid_argument "Argument doesn't match variants")] in let from_string_expr = [%stri let [%p function_name_pattern] = fun [%p arg_pattern] -> [%e pexp_match ~loc [%expr value] ( (fun { pcd_name = { txt = value; _ }; _ } -> case ~lhs: (ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_string (value, loc, None))) ~guard:None ~rhs: (pexp_construct ~loc (Located.lident ~loc value) None)) variants @ [ else_case ])]]
Combine and return the functions:
let enum ~ctxt ast = let loc = Expansion_context.Deriver.derived_item_loc ctxt in match ast with | ( _, [ { ptype_name = { txt = type_name; _ }; ptype_kind = Ptype_variant variants; _; }; ] ) -> let function_name suffix = type_name ^ suffix in let arg_pattern = [%pat? value] in let expr_string = Ast_builder.Default.estring ~loc in let function_name_pattern = [%pat? [%p ppat_var ~loc { txt = function_name "_to_string"; loc }]] in let to_string_expr = [%stri let [%p function_name_pattern] = fun [%p arg_pattern] -> [%e pexp_match ~loc [%expr value] ( (fun { pcd_name = { txt = value; _ }; _ } -> case ~lhs: (ppat_construct ~loc (Located.lident ~loc value) None) ~guard:None ~rhs:(expr_string value)) variants)]] in (* Uncomment to see the generated code *) (* print_endline (Astlib.Pprintast.string_of_structure [ to_string_expr ]); *) let else_case = case ~lhs:[%pat? [%p ppat_any ~loc]] ~guard:None ~rhs: [%expr [%e pexp_apply ~loc [%expr raise (Invalid_argument [%e estring ~loc ("Argument doesn't match " ^ type_name ^ " variants")])] []]] in let function_name_pattern = [%pat? [%p ppat_var ~loc { txt = function_name "_from_string"; loc }]] in let from_string_expr = [%stri let [%p function_name_pattern] = fun [%p arg_pattern] -> [%e pexp_match ~loc [%expr value] ( (fun { pcd_name = { txt = value; _ }; _ } -> case ~lhs: (ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_string (value, loc, None))) ~guard:None ~rhs: (pexp_construct ~loc (Located.lident ~loc value) None)) variants @ [ else_case ])]] in (* Uncomment to see the generated code *) (* print_endline (Astlib.Pprintast.string_of_structure [ from_string_expr ]); *) [ from_string_expr; to_string_expr ] | _ -> [%str [%ocaml.error "Ops, enum2 must be a type with variant without args"]]
Declare the deriver:
let generator () = Deriving.Generator.V2.make (args ()) (fun ~ctxt -> enum ~loc:Expansion_context.Deriver.derived_item_loc ctxt) let _ = Deriving.add deriver_name ~str_type_decl:(generator ())
Let's say we want to add to_string
and from_string
functions to a variant type, but we want to have it with options instead of raise:
type t = A | B [@@deriving enum2 ~opt]
(* Output:
type t = A | B
let to_string = function
| A -> "A"
| B -> "B"
let from_string = function
| "A" -> Some A
| "B" -> Some B
| _ -> None
This is the same as the previous example, but we need to add a new argument to the deriver:
Declare the deriver name and arguments:
let deriver_name = "enum" let args () = Deriving.Args.(empty +> arg "opt" bool)
Build the new AST:
There will no much difference on the enum code, we just need to check if theopt
argument istrue
and add theoption
return to thefrom_string
function and change the else toNone
:let else_case = case ~lhs:[%pat? [%p ppat_any ~loc]] ~guard:None ~rhs: (match opt with | true -> [%expr None] | _ -> [%expr raise (Invalid_argument "Argument doesn't match variants")]) in let function_name_pattern = [%pat? [%p ppat_var ~loc { txt = function_name "_from_string"; loc }]] in let from_string_expr = [%stri let [%p function_name_pattern] = fun [%p arg_pattern] -> [%e pexp_match ~loc [%expr value] ( (fun { pcd_name = { txt = value; _ }; _ } -> case ~lhs: (ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_string (value, loc, None))) ~guard:None ~rhs: (match opt with | true -> [%expr Some [%e pexp_construct ~loc (Located.lident ~loc value) None]] | _ -> pexp_construct ~loc (Located.lident ~loc value) None)) variants @ [ else_case ])]]
Context-free transformations are a powerful tool in OCaml for modifying code locally. By understanding how to implement extenders and derivers, you can enhance your code generation capabilities and simplify repetitive tasks. With the examples provided, you should have a solid foundation for creating your own context-free transformations using PPXLib.
- Special Functions
- Constant Rewriting