First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! This guide will answer some common questions about how this project works.
While this is a Pinterest open source project, we welcome contributions from everyone. Regular outside contributors can become project maintainers.
If you're having trouble using this project, please start by reading the
and searching for solutions in the existing open and closed issues.
If you've found a security issue in one of our open source projects, please report it at Bugcrowd; you may even make some money!
Please be sure to read and understand our
We work hard to ensure that our projects are welcoming and inclusive to as many
people as possible.
If you have a bug report, please provide as much information as possible so that we can help you out:
- Version of the project you're using.
- Code (or even better whole projects) which reproduce the issue.
- Steps which reproduce the issue.
- Stack traces for crashes.
- Any logs produced.
- Fork this repository to your own account
- Make your changes and verify that tests pass
- Commit your work and push to a new branch on your fork
- Submit a pull request
- Participate in the code review process by responding to feedback
Once there is agreement that the code is in good shape, one of the project's maintainers will merge your contribution.
To increase the chances that your pull request will be accepted:
- Follow the coding style
- Write tests for your changes
- Write a good commit message
If you would like to introduce a new rule to the core set, please file an issue first so that it can be discussed amongst the community. Remember that you are can make your own custom rulesets without having to change the core ruleset.
New core rules will be added first to the experimental ruleset before being rolled out widely.
Project has enabled Gradle dependencies verification.
On adding/updating any dependency, ensure that you've added dependency provided checksum/signature to gradle/verification-metadata.xml
Add following flag - -PkotlinDev
to enable kotlin development version.
By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its license.