httpfs is a simple file server
- Go 1.7 or later
go get -u
httpfs is a simple file server.
usage: httpfs [-v] [-p PORT] [-d PATH-TO-DIR]
-v Prints debugging messages.
-p Specifies the port number that the server will listen and serve at.
Default is 8080.
-d Specifies the directory that the server will use to read/write requested files.
Default is the current directory when launching the application.
GET / returns a list of the current files in the data directory.
curl -get localhost:8080/
httpc -p 8080 get 'http://localhost:8080/'
GET /foo.txt returns the content of the file named foo.txt in the data directory.
curl -get localhost:8080/foo.txt
httpc -v -p 8080 get 'http://localhost:8080/foo.txt'
POST /bar should create or overwrite the file named bar in the data directory with the content of the body of the request.
curl -post -d "foo" localhost:8080/bar.txt
httpc -p 8080 -h Content-Type:application/text -d 'foo' post 'http://localhost:8080/bar.txt'