Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer - Easier implementation of an OAuth2 Authorization Server
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my $Server = Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer->new;
my $Grant = $Server->$grant_type(
This module is the gateway to the various OAuth2 grant flows, as documented at Each module implements a specific grant flow and is designed to "just work" with minimal detail and effort.
Please see Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer::Manual for more information on how to use this module and the various grant types. You should use the manual in conjunction with the grant type module you are using to understand how to override the defaults if the "just work" mode isn't good enough for you.
OAuth Authorisation Code Grant as document at
See Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer::AuthorizationCodeGrant.
OAuth Implicit Grant as document at
See Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer::ImplicitGrant.
OAuth Resource Owner Password Grant as document at
See Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer::PasswordGrant.
OAuth Client Credentials Grant as document at
See Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer::ClientCredentialsGrant.
Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2::Server - A Mojolicious plugin using this module
Mojo::JWT - encode/decode JWTs
Lee Johnson -
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation or file a bug report then please raise an issue / pull request: