- Added support for mouse hover in locator controller [ For details - https://github.com/yahoo/arrow/blob/master/docs/arrow_cookbook/arrow_FAQs.rst#how-can-i-use-the-locator-controller-to-test-mouse-hover-functionality ]
- Maximizing browser before running tests
- Added support for reading response headers using proxy
- Integrated support for markup validation using DebugCSS [ For details - https://github.com/yahoo/arrow/blob/master/docs/arrow_cookbook/arrow_markup_testing.rst ]
- Fixed startup error message for PhantomJs
- Reverted the yui defaultAppSeed url from https to http
- Improved error management & messages
- Better Error Handling
- No more HTML logs during mocha test execution
- locator controller could be used for just waiting for an element, without performing any UI action.
- Fixed a locator controller bug, where passing "stay" param used to discard 'waitForElement(s)' params
- Added testTimeOut as a descriptor level param, now users can override testTimeout for a test
- Added hasTest as a descriptor level param, now if a scenario does not have any test, but all the scenario steps pass, ARROW will consider it as a pass test.
- Fixed a bug where "enabled" property does not used to work properly if a boolean 'false' is passed
- Improved bunch of error messages