Each license for {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} specifies a maximum number of accounts, or seats, that can use these features. Each active committer to at least one repository with the feature enabled uses one seat. A committer is considered active if one of their commits has been pushed to the repository within the last 90 days, regardless of when it was originally authored.
{% note %}
Note: Active committers are calculated using both the commit author information and the timestamp for when the code was pushed to {% data variables.product.product_name %}.
When a user pushes code to {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}, every user who authored code in that push counts towards {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} seats, even if the code is not new to {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}.
Users should always create branches from a recent base, or rebase them before pushing. This will ensure that users who have not committed in the last 90 days do not take up {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} seats.
{% endnote %}