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Concurrency Handling in Golang

Go Version Go License

This repository shows two approaches to handling concurrency in Golang:

  1. Single Process Lock using sync.Mutex
  2. Distributed Lock using Redis Locks

Use Case

A banking system processes account balance updates (debits and credits) from multiple concurrent transactions. The system ensures:

  1. Concurrency: Multiple transactions are processed simultaneously.
  2. Data Safety: Consistency of account balances using synchronization mechanisms like mutexes.

1: Single Process Lock with sync.Mutex


This approach uses Golang's sync.Mutex to enforce mutual exclusion within a single process. It ensures that only one goroutine can access and modify shared resources (e.g., account balance) at a time.

Code Highlights

  • Use of Mutex: A sync.Mutex instance is used to lock critical sections.
  • Concurrency: Goroutines process transactions concurrently but safely.
  • Example Use Case:
    • Suitable for single-machine systems where all operations are within the same memory space.


  • Simple and lightweight.
  • No external dependencies.
  • Very fast as operations are performed in memory.


  • Cannot be used in distributed systems.
  • Limited to processes running on a single machine.


  • Each transaction is processed in a separate goroutine using the go keyword.
  • A sync.WaitGroup ensures the main function waits for all transactions to complete.
  • The sync.Mutex ensures that only one goroutine can update an account's balance at a time.
  // Account represents a bank account
  type Account struct {
    	AccountNumber string
    	Balance       float64
    	mu            sync.Mutex // Mutex to protect the balance
var wg sync.WaitGroup

// Process transactions concurrently
for _, t := range transactions {
   account, exists := accounts[t.AccountNumber]
   if !exists {
     fmt.Printf("Account %s not found\n", t.AccountNumber)

 go account.ProcessTransaction(t.Amount, &wg)
   // ProcessTransaction processes a single transaction on the account
  func (a *Account) ProcessTransaction(amount float64, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
  	defer wg.Done() // Notify when the goroutine is finished
  	// Lock the account to prevent race conditions
  	if amount < 0 && a.Balance+amount < 0 {
  		fmt.Printf("Insufficient funds for account %s\n", a.AccountNumber)
  	a.Balance += amount
  	fmt.Printf("Processed transaction of %.2f on account %s. New balance: %.2f\n",
  		amount, a.AccountNumber, a.Balance)


     Single Machine Locks Output:

    Processed transaction of -200.00 on account 11111. New balance: 800.00
    Processed transaction of 100.00 on account 11111. New balance: 900.00
    Processed transaction of 300.00 on account 11111. New balance: 1200.00
    Processed transaction of -500.00 on account 22222. New balance: 1500.00
    Insufficient funds for account 22222
    Final Account Balances:
    Account 11111: 1200.00
    Account 22222: 1500.00

2: Distributed Lock using Redis Locks


This approach uses Redis to simulate distributed locking. Each critical section is protected by a distributed lock, ensuring data consistency across multiple processes or machines.

Code Highlights

  • Mock Redis: A mock Redis client is used for local testing.
  • Distributed Lock: Implemented using Redis commands (SETNX, GET, DEL) to acquire and release locks.
  • Example Use Case:
    • Ideal for distributed systems where multiple instances or processes need to synchronize access to shared resources.


  • Supports distributed systems.
  • Can synchronize processes across multiple machines.
  • Scales well with cloud-native environments (e.g., Kubernetes).


  • Requires a running Redis instance or equivalent service.
  • Slightly slower due to network latency.
  • More complex to implement and maintain.


  • To make a simple ready-to-go process, I utilize mock for redis to simulate redis without run real Redis instance.


  • Each transaction is processed in a separate goroutine using the go keyword.
  • A sync.WaitGroup ensures the main function waits for all transactions to complete.
  • Redis SET with NX ensures that the operation is atomic, meaning the lock is created and has a TTL in a single operation.
  • Simulates acquiring and releasing locks without connecting to a real Redis server.
  // MockRedis simulates a Redis client with basic lock functionality
  type MockRedis struct {
	  data map[string]string
	  mu   sync.Mutex
  // RedisLock represents a distributed lock

  type RedisLock struct {
	  client *MockRedis
	  key    string
	  value  string

  // AcquireLock tries to acquire the lock
  func (lock *RedisLock) AcquireLock(ttl time.Duration) (bool, error) {
	  return lock.client.SetNX(lock.key, lock.value, ttl)

  // ReleaseLock releases the lock
  func (lock *RedisLock) ReleaseLock() error {
	  val, err := lock.client.Get(lock.key)
	  if err != nil {
		  return fmt.Errorf("lock not found")

  // Ensure the lock is released by the process that acquired it
	if val == lock.value {
		_, err = lock.client.Del(lock.key)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil


    Distributed Locks Output:
    Processed transaction of 100.00 on account 11111. New balance: 1100.00
    Insufficient funds for account 22222. Transaction skipped.
    Processed transaction of 300.00 on account 11111. New balance: 1400.00
    Processed transaction of -500.00 on account 22222. New balance: 1500.00
    Processed transaction of -200.00 on account 11111. New balance: 1200.00
    Final Account Balances:
    Account 11111: 1200.00
    Account 22222: 1500.00

Comparison: sync.Mutex vs Redis Locks

Feature sync.Mutex Redis Locks
Scope Single process Distributed processes
Performance Very fast (in-memory) Slightly slower (network I/O overhead)
Complexity Simple Medium
Dependencies None Redis or equivalent
Use Case Single-machine systems Multi-machine or distributed systems
Failure Handling Handled within process Requires TTL and retries

When to Use

Use sync.Mutex when:

  • Your application runs on a single machine.
  • You don’t need to synchronize across multiple processes or machines.
  • Simplicity and performance are priorities.

Use Redis Locks when:

  • Your application runs in a distributed system.
  • You need to synchronize access across multiple processes or machines.
  • Scalability and cross-instance consistency are required.

How to Run

  1. Single Process Lock (Mutex)

    • Clone the repository.
    • Navigate to the single folder.
    • Run the program:
      go run main.go
  2. Distributed Lock (Redis)

    • Ensure Redis is running or use the mock Redis provided.
    • Navigate to the distributed\mock_redis folder.
    • Run the program:
      go run main.go


This project is licensed under the MIT License.