Tic Tac Toe
Just clone the repo and open the index.html file.
2 -> After that when clicking on Play Button it start the game and it use the function "whoShouldStart" to decide randomly wich player will start playing.
3 -> When the player is selected it will check the positions available to make a move using the function "areThereOptionsToMake", and if there is any place to play it will make a move using the function "makeMove".
4 -> When each line is completly full, it will check if we have a winner already, calling the functino "checkWinner". If we don't have a winner, it will restart the process with the next player, while it remains a field to be filled.
5 -> If there is a winner it will show a success message and change the style of the winner "row". If there isn't a winner it will show a DRAW message.
It should start like this: