UDP File Sharer C is a simple file sharing system that can be used in tests or small applications.
Follow these steps to get UDP File Sharer C running without errors.
You need a C compiler installed. To do it, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install gcc
cd into the files directory and compile both. Use -o to choose executable name.
gcc sender.c -o sender
gcc receiver.c -o receiver
You should see both executable into directory.
Be certain that you have superuser permissions.
For sender choose the file to transfer, ip destiny and port destiny. Example:
./sender example.txt 90
For receiver choose the port to listen.
./receiver 90
You can (and should!) change #define parameters into source-code.
Change PACKETSIZE, BUFSIZE and DEFAULT_FILE_NAME to what you need.
Paulo Vítor
Computer Engineering Student at UFMT - Várzea Grande - Brasil