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Paul Fitzpatrick edited this page Feb 3, 2015 · 7 revisions

This is a fork of Haxe that adds a ruby target (ruby version >= 1.9.3p194). To use the fork: first, get comfortable compiling haxe from source (if you are not already), see

Then you can just substitute in the version at (the ruby2ruby4 branch, set as default), and recompile. You should now have a -rb language option in haxe and be able to use it like any other target.

You can also find a pre-built version of haxe-with-rb for Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) on the release page. This is built for use with travis continuous integration.

The ruby target is limited and just me scratching my own itch. If you'd like to see faster progress, or focused progress, file an issue and/or fund development tips

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