An emulator for the retro-gaming Gameduino hardware.
Intended to make development and debugging easier. Just compile your game's code together with the emulator library, and run and debug directly on your PC.
Get the original source here:
First home on github here (case important in url):
You need to have the DirectX SDK installed.
Make sure that the VC++ directories for includes and libraries includes "$(DXSDK_DIR)include" and "$(DXSDK_DIR)lib\x86".
In Visual Studio 2010 these directories should be set in Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user property page.
James Bowman - Creator of the Gameduino
Jan Boon - Original author - +!/kaetemi
- Paul Evans - +!/paulecoyote
- Core emulator libraries GNU GPL v2
- Original author gave permission for games to be included but use a different licence MIT/BSD/etc where GPL is incompatible.
Versions only really make sense for this fork.
- V0.1.0 Imported in to github from google code, added UnitTest++ as submodule. Solution compiles with no warnings.
- V0.1.1 Provided Visual Studio 2010 solutions.
- V0.1.2 Fixed Visual Studio 2010 solutions and added Arduino projects.
- V0.1.3 Added lander sprite, display the different ships. Made logo appear on purpose for 3 secs (not emu).