Programming, Music, Calisthenics.
Go check out my website (! (or try curl -L
School 42 Paris is a great school, it taught me how to work independantly and communicate with my peers.
More specifically, it taught me:
- general coding principles (libft)
- function pointers and va_args (printf)
- network programming basics (netwhat)
- Docker and running a basic server (ft_server)
- Graphics programming (cub3d and fract-ol)
- Basic assembly programming (libasm)
- The inner workings of bash, reading from and writing to files, pipes and so much more (minishell)
- Kubernetes basics (ft_services)
- C++ and more generally OOP (containers)
- Sorting algorithms and optimisation (philosophers)
- Socket programming in C/C++ (webserv)
I spend a lot of my free time on personnal projects, which allows me to keep the programming fun and improve.
I play a bit of CodinGame, you can check out my profile, or my solutions
I learned C# in order to create a video game (you can try it out!).
I taught myself how to manage a server to host my personnal website.