June 2020
Goal: Support the basic version of three blocks
- Inline styles supported by GFM and Commonmark Spec
- Inline pictures (local pictures are not supported) and picture editing menu
- atx and setext headers
- Quote block
- Horizontal dividing line
- Support inline style format method and toolbox
- Various event processing backspace, delete, arrow, tab, enter, input, etc.
- Selection and deletion of multiple paragraphs
- Paragraph drag and drop
- Ordinary paragraph
July 2020
Goal: more blocks, support input and output
- Copy and paste in lines and paragraphs
- Select multiple paragraphs to copy and paste
- Ordered list
- Bullet list
- Task list
- Drag and drop the list and put finished item to the end automatically.
- Code block
- html block
- table block
- Handle history function
- Input and output to other file type(markdown and html)
August 2020
Goal: Full-featured version, the plugin supports more functions
- Math formula block
- mermaid
- flowchart
- sequence
- footnote
- front matter
- Superscripts, subscripts, mathematical formulas, etc.
- Pre-paragraph menu
- Quick insert menu