Table viewer for relational databases, without using HandsOnTable.
Actually, any list of JSON-serializable dictionaries can be viewed.
This is the remake of pyhandsontable.
pip install htmlviewer
In Jupyter Notebook,
>>> from htmlviewer import PagedViewer
>>> viewer = PagedViewer(LIST_OF_RECORDS, **kwargs)
>>> viewer
'A table is shown on Jupyter Notebook.'
>>> viewer.view(-1)
'The last page is shown.'
>>> viewer.previous()
'The previous page (i-1) is shown.'
'The next page (i+1) is shown.
Acceptable kwargs are,
'maxColWidth': 200, # Maximum column width for all columns.
'minColWidth': '8em',
'maxRowHeight': 500, # Maximum row height for all rows.,
'colWidth': {
'imageField': 500
'renderer': {
'imageField': 'html' # Set the field to allow HTML.
'rowHeader': 'id' # Selecting a custom column to be the first row, aka rowHeader.
This can be done in Python side, by converting everything to HTML. Just use any markdown for Python library.
from markdown import markdown
import base64
image_html = f'<img src="{image_url}" width=100 />'
image_html2 = f'<img src="data:image/png;base64,{base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode()}" />'
markdown_html = markdown(markdown_raw)
Any then,
PagedViewer(LIST_OF_RECORDS, renderers={
"image_field": "html",
"html_field": "html",
"markdown_field": "html"
- pyhandsontable - View a list of JSON-serializable dictionaries or a 2-D array, in HandsOnTable, in Jupyter Notebook.