A manager for Collections (formerly Custom Timelines) and excuse to play around with Assetgraph and React.
This is not officially supported or endorsed by Twitter. This is just me having fun.
There is a demo at https://ctlmngr.herokuapp.com. Until the collections API is public, you have to be whitelisted in order to log in. Sorry.
npm install & bower install
grunt serve
grunt build
API Proxy
You also need an API proxy. Why not use
twoxpy? (In fact, I require a very specific
URL schema, so everything else probably won't work without adjusting stuff)? By
default it should listen on port 5000. If you have the API set up somewhere
else, you need to adjust app/scripts/config.json
git clone https://github.com/passy/twoxpy
cd twoxpy
virtualenv .ve
. .ve/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install honcho gunicorn
$EDITOR .env # Set up API keys and stuff
honcho start