Passage by 1Password unlocks the passwordless future with a simpler, more secure passkey authentication experience. Passage handles the complexities of the WebAuthn API, and allows you to implement passkeys with ease.
Use Passkey Flex to add passkeys to an existing authentication experience.
Use Passkey Complete as a standalone passwordless auth solution.
Use Passkey Ready to determine if your users are ready for passkeys.
Use passage-authentikit-ios to implement Passkey Ready in your Swift application to gather data on your users' passkey readiness.
Product | Compatible |
✖️ For Passkey Flex, check out passage-flex-ios | |
✖️ For Passkey Complete, check out passage-swift | |
✅ | |
You'll need a free Passage account and Organization set up via Passage Console to get started.
Learn more about Passage Console →
Via Swift Package Manager - enter this url Xcode's Swift Package Manager's search bar:
Via CocoaPods - add this dependency to your Podfile:
pod 'PassageAuthentikit'
import Authentikit
let authentikit = Authentikit(clientSideKey: clientSideKey)
Find all core functions, user management details, and more implementation guidance on our Passkey Ready Documentation page.
We are here to help! Find additional docs, the best ways to get in touch with our team, and more within our support resources.
Passage is a product by 1Password, the global leader in access management solutions with nearly 150k business customers.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.