This is wings-ogre, my Wings3D to OGRE converter written in Python.
Please send feedback, suggestions and bug reports to: Attila Tajti
I'm also used to be around #Ogre3D on
It's basically a couple of Python modules to load and process the structured Erlang binary file produced by Wings and save it in Ogre XML. It does the following:
- Loads the polygon data
- Handles UV coordinates, material diffuse/ambient/specular/shininess values
- Handle copying vertices at hard edges (like smoothing groups in Max)
- Triangulates polygons using the ear-clipping method
- Writes internal images in the .wings file into PNG format
- Uses an own primitiev XML module, so no libxml2 dependency
Copy the .wings file to the directory containing the python files.
Then execute ./ <files>
from the command line, eg:
% tar -xzf wings-ogre-0.9.tar.gz
% cd wings-ogre-0.9
% cp ~/models/test.wings
% ./ test.wings
This will result in a .mesh.xml file. It has to be converted to a .mesh via the the XML converter:
% OgreXMLConverter test.mesh.xml
The program will also export internal Wings textures, using the name of the material (not the name of the image) as filename.
(These should be available on a recent Linux system)
- Python 2.2
- Python Imaging Library (for Image export)
Speed things up. The exporter is terribly slow. This is mainly because of the soft/hard edge detection stuff.
The xmlout module may be used using Temas's Blender exporter to remove the libxml2 dependency. Don't use xmlout for anything more serious, though.
The work of these people were particularily helpful for me:
- Thomas 'temas' Muldowney - the OGRE Blender exporter
- Anthony D'Agostino - IO Suide for Blender
- - OGRE homepage
- - Wings 3D homepage
- - Python homepage
- - Python Imaging Library homepage