The code here handles all the non-research tasks of making model (e.g. ROMS) forcing files, running the model on a remote linux cluster, and post-processing of model output. Many of the post-processing tasks, such as mooring- cast- and layer extractions, and particle tracking, are designed for other users to be able to run from the linux command line, or modify if needed.
This version is the second major release of this project, the first was called LiveOcean. This version incorporates all the things I learned building the first one. A few specifics: it uses python Path objects everywhere possible. It defaults to using NetCDF4 for all the ROMS forcing. It uses python code instead of shell scripts wherever that makes things simpler - especially in the drivers. It also uses a much more rigorous and naming and organization system. It transitions to using xarray instead of the netCDF4 module. For a very few pieces of code you also need Matlab, and these are being deprecated, so you can likely ignore this requirement.
All the instructions assume you are working from the linux (bash) command line.
Contact Parker MacCready,, with any questions.
Check out today's model output at LiveOcean.
The main users of this repo are people who are in some way collaborating with me and want to use any of my forcing-generation, model-running, or post-processing tools.
All the instructions assume you are working from the linux (bash) command line. When I say "go to" I mean navigate to that place, and "do" means enter that command from the linux command line and hit return.
Anaconda is a great way to get python. We will use a minimal installation of python3 called "miniconda" and then create a conda "environment" and add required packages to it ourselves. This keeps things lightweight and less likely to suffer from package conflicts.
Go to this miniconda webpage to find the link for the "latest" installer for your platform: INSTALLERS. The "latest" is the table at the top of the page. For example, for linux it is currently:
On a Mac click on the link to download the installer or copy the link address and from the command line do:
curl -O [address]
Or, from the linux command line do:
wget [address]
This will get you a file that I'll call []. It doesn't really matter where you put the installer. You can choose where the installation will end up when you run it.
Then if you are being really careful about security do:
sha256sum []
and make sure that the number matches the one from the table of installers. Note: this may only work on linux machines; I don't have sha256sum on my mac.
Next run the installer:
bash []
and answer yes to everything, especially "initialization". For one of my linux installations I chose to put it in /data1/parker/miniconda3, or on my Mac I put it in /Applications/miniconda3. It doesn't matter what folder you put it in. The initialization adds some lines to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile (mac). After you "source" this you should have (base) appended to your bash prompt, and this tells you that you are in the (base) conda environment so you can run python - but not much else, yet.
Then for good measure do:
conda update conda
You will also need git, which you may or may not have. You can install it easily by doing:
conda install -c anaconda git
On your machine, go to wherever you want the LO repo to end up, and do:
git clone
and LO and all its sub-folders will appear. To get any changes I may make, go to any folder in LO and do:
git pull
Create an environment that has all the modules required for this code by going to LO and executing:
conda env create -f loenv.yml > env.log &
This may take a half hour or so, which is why I added the > env.log &
at the end of the command. You can look in the .yml file to see what is being installed. It even adds the non-python nco toolbox and ffmpeg. It also adds LO/lo_tools as a local "package" so that when you are in (loenv) you can access any of the modules in LO/lo_tools/lo_tools with a line in your python code like from lo_tools import zfun
. Instructions for a simple approach to making your own local packages can be found HERE.
If you like you can make your own .yml and make your own environment, especially if you want to add additional packages. The LO code does not need to be run in (loenv) but it does assume that lo_tools is an installed local package.
Then if you want to use this environment all the time add this line:
conda activate loenv
to your .bashrc or .bash_profile, and "source" it. Now (loenv) will appear at the start of your bash prompt.
If you want to update the packages in the environment, go to LO where the loenv.yml file is, make sure loenv is activated, and then do:
conda env update -f loenv.yml
which only took a minute or two the last time I tried it. This is also what you do after you make any change to your .yml file, like adding a package. There are more complete instructions for working with conda environments HERE.
Go to parkermac in GitHub and fork the LO_user repo. You now own this as your own repo and can edit and clone it as needed. LO_user is a place where the LO code looks for user versions of things, like particle tracking experiment initial conditions. Most importantly, it is where user- and machine-specific paths are defined in
Here is some great INFO from GitHub about forking.
Background: Here are some INSTRUCTIONS for how to get started using Git and making your own repo.
Clone your LO_user to your own machine and then edit the paths in LO_user/
Check that things are working as you expect by executing LO/lo_tools/lo_tools/
. Although this is a module that you usually import, when you run it as a program it shows the contents of Ldir as screen output. Check out the end of that code to see how this works - it is a great way to add tests to a module.
LO_user will change gradually, for example as I add my own job definitions to LO_user/extract/box/
. But the intent of this code is that it is relatively static (my personal analysis code has all been moved to the LPM repo).
These four directories are assumed to be somewhere, all at the same level in the file structure.
- LO: is this repo.
- LO_user: is a required separate folder for information and programs specific to a given user.
- LO_data: contains large binaries that change infrequently, especially for making grids or forcing files. I maintain these by hand on my laptop and on my remote linux machines. It may be advantageous for a user on those remote machines to just point to my LO_data (see
) instead of copying to make their own. Of course on their personal laptop they will need to make their own LO_data. - LO_output: is where most output from the LO code ends up, e.g. model forcing files, mooring extractions, plots, etc. It is expected that the contents will change frequently and that they are specific to a given user or machine.
LO_output is typically made, if needed, by the code that writes to it. LO_user has to be made by hand (more on that below).
A lot of the code makes use of a dictionary "Ldir" that contains Path objects about where things are. This is created in a somewhat complicated way:
- It is initially specified in
- You don't run
itself, but instead it is run every time you run the methodlo_tools/lo_tools/Lfun.Lstart()
which adds a few more application-specific entries to Ldir.
is designed to be the one place where you set machine-dependent choices. It looks to see what machine you are working on. It allows you to set several paths to model output, for example: Ldir['roms_out'], Ldir['roms_out1'], and so on.
Naming convention: We follow a strict system of naming things associated with a ROMS run in order to allow for modularity, e.g. running a given grid and forcing files with a new executable.
Things that I type in [ ] below mean that they would be replaced by specific strings, for example when using them as command line arguments.
- [gridname] is the name of the grid (e.g. cas6)
- [tag] is a name to identify a collection of forcing files (e.g. v3)
- [ex_name] is the name of the ROMS executable (e.g. lo8b)
- [fstring] is a date string of the form fYYYY.MM.DD (e.g. f2021.07.04).
- [frc] is the name of one of the forcings (e.g. ocn0).
Grids are just identified by [gridname].
Collections of forcing files are identified by [gridname]_[tag] which is also referred to as [gtag] or Ldir['gtag'].
A specific run is identified by [gridname]_[tag]_[ex_name] which is also referred to as [gtagex] or Ldir['gtagex'].
NOTE: some of the code will parse a gtagex into it constituent gridname, tag, and ex_name. To do so it assumes these are separated by an underscore "_", so don't use underscores in any of your gridnames, tags, or ex_names.
LO | LO_output |
lo_tools/lo_tools: place for shared modules | |
pre: pre-processing code, like for loading historical river records | pre/river/[gtag]/... |
driver: has a couple of drivers that can be used with command-line arguments to (i) create any of the forcing files, and (ii) run one or more ROMS days | |
forcing: the code for making each of the separate types of forcing | forcing/[gtag]/[fstring]/[frc]/... |
dot_in: code (one folder for each [gtagex]) for making the .in file for a ROMS run for a given day | |
post: code for automated post-processing of the daily forecast, e.g. for the movies that are sent to the LiveOcean website | post/[gtagex]/layers, etc. |
extract: code for various types of extractions, plotting, particle tracking, and so on | extract/[gtagex]/cast, etc. |