This repository compile and publish as release final binaries of the Rust toolchain targetting RISC-V RV32E.
First, follow the installation instructions to install ninja
Next, execute the following commands:
Executing those steps will create a rust-rve-nightly-$rust_commit_date-$TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TRIPLET.xz
in your working directory. See the next chapter about installation how to use this
toolchain with rustup.
You can either download a package from the release page or build it yourself with the instructions above. The following steps will make the toolchain available via rustup's
tar --zstd -xf rust-rve-nightly-$rust_commit_date-$TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TRIPLET.xz
mv rve-nightly ~/.rustup/toolchains/
# Clear the "downloaded" attribute recursively on macOS to satisfy GateKeeper
xattr -rc ~/.rustup/toolchains/rve-nightly
The last step is needed when downloading the binary toolchain with Safari. Otherwise GateKeeper will prevent running downloaded binaries without code signature:
If there is a need to build the toolchain using Parity default CI environment, tweak the build step as follows:
export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++-15