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Got Essential task overseer failed error after upgrading Kusama and Polkadot validator to v1.5.0 #2728

Closed as not planned


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Description of bug

Hi, I am trying to upgrade our both Polkadot and Kusama validator to v1.5.0. But I got an Essential task overseer failed error after upgrading Kusama and Polkadot validator to v1.5.0.

After downgrading back to v1.4.0, the issue gone. This error happened on both Polkadot and Kusama validator.
The logs:


2023-12-18 01:10:33 ----------------------------    
2023-12-18 01:10:33 This chain is not in any way    
2023-12-18 01:10:33       endorsed by the           
2023-12-18 01:10:33      KUSAMA FOUNDATION          
2023-12-18 01:10:33 ----------------------------    
2023-12-18 01:10:33 Parity Polkadot    
2023-12-18 01:10:33 ✌️  version 1.5.0-a3dc2f15f23    
2023-12-18 01:10:33 ❤️  by Parity Technologies <>, 2017-2023    
2023-12-18 01:10:33 📋 Chain specification: Kusama    
2023-12-18 01:10:33 🏷  Node name: OnfinalityV#1    
2023-12-18 01:10:33 👤 Role: AUTHORITY    
2023-12-18 01:10:33 💾 Database: RocksDb at /chain-data/chains/ksmcc3/db/full    
2023-12-18 01:11:01 🏷  Local node identity is: 12D3KooWHcDiChr6KkEfgCQtSiLbTzcDRhyKHyqtMvn515QWrWWt    
2023-12-18 01:11:01 🔍 Discovered new external address for our node: /ip4/    
2023-12-18 01:11:08 🚀 Using prepare-worker binary at: "/usr/lib/polkadot/polkadot-prepare-worker"    
2023-12-18 01:11:08 🚀 Using execute-worker binary at: "/usr/lib/polkadot/polkadot-execute-worker"    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 💻 Operating system: linux    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 💻 CPU architecture: x86_64    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 💻 Target environment: gnu    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 💻 CPU: Intel Xeon Processor (Cascadelake)    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 💻 CPU cores: 16    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 💻 Memory: 32115MB    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 💻 Kernel: 5.4.0-89-generic    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 💻 Linux distribution: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 💻 Virtual machine: yes    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 📦 Highest known block at #21034600    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["*"]    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 🏁 CPU score: 1.02 GiBs    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 🏁 Memory score: 4.26 GiBs    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 🏁 Disk score (seq. writes): 626.57 MiBs    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 🏁 Disk score (rand. writes): 327.96 MiBs    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 ⚠️  The hardware does not meet the minimal requirements Failed checks: Copy(expected: 11.49 GiBs, found: 4.26 GiBs), Seq Write(expected: 950.00 MiBs, found: 626.57 MiBs), Rnd Write(expected: 420.00 MiBs, found: 327.96 MiBs),  for role 'Authority' find out more at:    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 👶 Starting BABE Authorship worker    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 🚨 Your system cannot securely run a validator. 
Running validation of malicious PVF code has a higher risk of compromising this machine.
  - Cannot enable landlock, a Linux 5.13+ kernel security feature: not available: Could not fully enable: NotEnforced
  - Cannot unshare user namespace and change root, which are Linux-specific kernel security features: not available: unshare user and mount namespaces: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
You can ignore this error with the `--insecure-validator-i-know-what-i-do` command line argument if you understand and accept the risks of running insecurely. With this flag, security features are enabled on a best-effort basis, but not mandatory. 
More information:
2023-12-18 01:11:09 🥩 BEEFY gadget waiting for BEEFY pallet to become available...    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 subsystem exited with error subsystem="candidate-validation" err=FromOrigin { origin: "candidate-validation", source: Context("could not enable Secure Validator Mode; check logs") }
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="candidate-validation"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 subsystem finished unexpectedly subsystem=Ok(())
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Received `Conclude` signal, exiting
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="pvf-checker"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="bitfield-signing"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="network-bridge-rx"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="candidate-backing"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="network-bridge-tx"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="availability-recovery"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="runtime-api"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="collation-generation"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 received `Conclude` signal, exiting
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="gossip-support"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Conclude
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="availability-store"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="provisioner"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="bitfield-distribution"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="dispute-distribution"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 received `Conclude` signal, exiting
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="chain-selection"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="chain-api"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="statement-distribution"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="approval-distribution"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="availability-distribution"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="collator-protocol"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 Terminating due to subsystem exit subsystem="approval-voting"
2023-12-18 01:11:09 discovered: 12D3KooWPEovdRYLyAw8phHWXLmJncnRYM6euSvPiahthcYKdeLv /ip4/    
2023-12-18 01:11:09 discovered: 12D3KooWPEovdRYLyAw8phHWXLmJncnRYM6euSvPiahthcYKdeLv /ip4/    
2023-12-18 01:11:10 subsystem exited with error subsystem="prospective-parachains" err=FromOrigin { origin: "prospective-parachains", source: SubsystemReceive(Generated(Context("Signal channel is terminated and empty."))) }
2023-12-18 01:11:10 Essential task `overseer` failed. Shutting down service.    
2023-12-18 01:11:10 subsystem exited with error subsystem="dispute-coordinator" err=FromOrigin { origin: "dispute-coordinator", source: SubsystemReceive(Generated(Context("Signal channel is terminated and empty."))) }
   0: Other: Essential task failed.

  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ BACKTRACE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
                                 ⋮ 1 frame hidden ⋮                               
   2: polkadot::main::h4cca9d3491727cb7
      at <unknown source file>:<unknown line>
   3: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::h94782a592969dae8
      at <unknown source file>:<unknown line>
   4: main<unknown>
      at <unknown source file>:<unknown line>
   5: __libc_start_main<unknown>
      at <unknown source file>:<unknown line>
   6: _start<unknown>
      at <unknown source file>:<unknown line>

Run with COLORBT_SHOW_HIDDEN=1 environment variable to disable frame filtering.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

--chain=polkadot --base-path=/chain-data --rpc-cors=all --port=30333 --unsafe-rpc-external --node-key=<xxx> --rpc-methods=Unsafe --name=<name> --telemetry-url="wss:// 1" --public-addr=/dns4/<xxx>/tcp/23739 --in-peers=100 --in-peers-light=0 --db-cache=512



No one assigned


    I10-unconfirmedIssue might be valid, but it's not yet known.I2-bugThe node fails to follow expected behavior.


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