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Parca UI

This is a Create React App project that utilizes Craco to modify and customize the app without 'ejecting'.


The React app requires an environment variable for the API endpoint so as to talk to the Parca backend. Create a file named .env.local in packages/app/web/ to add the environment variable for the API endpoint.


Then, start the Parca backend by running the command below. The --cors-allowed-origins='*' flag allows for enabling CORS headers on Parca.

./bin/parca --cors-allowed-origins='*'

Now the Parca backend will be running and available at localhost:7070.

Finally, run the development server for the React app:

yarn workspace @parca/web dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the UI by modifying any of the components in the ui/packages/app/web directory. The app auto-updates as you edit the files.


To build the UI, you can use Makefile at the root of the project to run the following commands.

Run the following command to generate a production build of the React app:

make ui # yarn install && yarn build

We embed the artifacts (the production build and its static assets) into the final binary distribution. See for further details.

Run following to build the parca binary with embedded assets.

make build

Development workflow

Before make sure all the tools you need are installed. The Linux users can simply run //

You can set up a cluster and all else you need by simply running:

make dev/up

For a simple local development setup we use Tilt.

tilt up