GemFireXD*Web is New Browser-based Database Schema Management Tool Available for Pivotal GemFireXD which allows users to view/alter schema objects as well as GemFireXD schema objects.
GemFireXDWeb is a translation of phpmyadmin to GemFireXD and the GemFireXDWeb UI is base on the look and feel of phpmyadmin.
GemFireXD*Web Supports the following features
- Browse / Administer HDFS Stores
- Browse / Administer HDFS Tables
- Browse / Administer Schema Objects
- Auto Login without going through the Login Page
- Disconnect GemFireXD*Web JDBC Connections from GemFireXD
- Schema Creation Dialogs
- New Table Viewer to view everything about a table including sample data
- Grant table / program unit privileges when AUTHENTICATION is enabled
- JMX Mbean Monitoring
- Save Query Results in CSV or JSON format
- View member start properties
- SQL Worksheet to load/execute SQL DML/DDL statements
- View memory Usage for Tables/Indexes
- View data distribution for Tables across members and SQL queries
- Stop/Start Gateway senders / Async Event Listeners
Download GemFireXD*Web using the link below.
Current GA release 1.0, supports GemFireXD 1.3 - gfxdw.war
The following is based on deployment to Pivotal tcServer
- Download WAR via link above
- Create / Start instance
> ./ create gfxdw
> ./ gfxdw start
Copy gfxdw.war to $TCSERVER_HOME/gfxdw/webapps
Access as follows
- Download the template zip from the location below.
Extract it in your $TCSERVER_HOME/templates directory
Create new instance based on this template
./ create --template gemfirexdweb {instance-name}
./ create --template gemfirexdweb gfxdwtemplate
- Start tcServer instance
./ gfxdwtemplate start
- Browse app it should be started automatically
- Start a locator using the following syntax to add jolokia-jvm-1.2.2-agent.jar
gfxd locator start -peer-discovery-address=$IP -peer-discovery-port=41111 \
-jmx-manager-port=1103 -jmx-manager-start=true -jmx-manager-http-port=7075 \
-conserve-sockets=false -client-bind-address=$IP \
-client-port=1527 -dir=locator -sync=false \
- Download jolokia-jvm-1.2.2-agent.jar from the link below.
GemFireXD*Web allows you to save query results in CSV or JSON format. The output for each is as follows. This could be a whole table or simply a restricted view of the table using a where clause for example.
{"name":"LOC","type":"VARCHAR"}],"records":[[10,"ACCOUNTING","NEW YORK"],
Created by Pas Apicella - for Pivotal GemFireXD Schema Management