These application bundles are necessary wrappers for the SUMO binaries in order to have a native feel on macOS. They have been built with macOS Automator.
To use the launchers:
- Just move the launchers to /Applications
- Make sure to have SUMO_HOME defined in .zshrc or .profile or .bash_profile
In order to rebuild these bundles, the icon files and the launcher scripts are supplied in the build subfolder. The following steps are necessary to create the bundle:
Create the launcher application
- Start Automator app
- Create new application
- Look for an action named "Execute shell script"
- Select "/bin/zsh" as shell and provide input "as arguments"
- Add the content of the starter zsh script into the content field
- Save as an application with the name "sumo-gui" (or netedit or OSM Web Wizard)
Change the application launcher icon
- Right-click on the launcher app
- Click on "view package contents"
- Add .icns file to Contents/Resources folder and replace existing AutomatorApplet.icns file
The launcher scripts try to find the SUMO_HOME variable setting by sourcing several configuration files (.profile, .bash_profile, .zshrc). If the script was unable to find a SUMO_HOME declaration a warning is issued. You may extend the list of configuration files, if you defined the SUMO_HOME in a different file.
(Optional) Create a Disk Image (dmg):
- First steps
- Open Disk Utility
- Select File -> New Image -> Blank Image
- Save as "SUMO_temp.dmg"
- Under Name, put "Eclipse SUMO". Leave everything else as is (Size, Format, Encryption, etc.) Image Format should be "read/write disk image"
- Click on Save
On the Desktop, double click to open the newly mounted disk "Eclipse SUMO". A small Finder window showing the blank partition should open.
Add the background image
- Copy the "background.png" file to the mounted disk
- Right click on an empty spot on the Finder window and select "Show View Options"
- In the Background section select "Picture" and drag and drop the recently copied image. Resize the Finder window, to display properly the green background
- On the same View Options window, make sure to select the "Always open in icon view" option at the top
- Open the Terminal and navigate to "/Volumes/Eclipse\ SUMO". Rename the background image (add a dot at the beginning) in order to hide it on the disk image -> "mv background.png .background.png"
- Close the Terminal
Add the actual content
- Copy the .app files (, and OSM Web to the mounted disk
- Create an Alias for the /Applications folder (Command + Option + drag the Applications icon into the mounted disk). Make sure the name of the Alias is "Applications"
- Copy the "ReadMe.rtf" file too (NOT this file!)
- On the "Show View Options" window, adjust the "Icon size" and "Grid spacing" properties
- Move around the icons so that they are well placed on the disk (.app icons above the green arrow, Applications alias below the arrow, ReadMe to the side)
Final steps
- Eject the "Eclipse SUMO" disk (drag it to the recycle bin)
- Double click on the "SUMO_temp.dmg" file
- In the Disk Utility app, select "Eclipse SUMO" from the Disk Images sidebar
- Select File -> New Image -> Image from "Eclipse SUMO"
- Save As: "SUMO_launchers" with the following options:
- Format: compressed
- Encryption: none
Done! Unmount and delete the "SUMO_temp.dmg" disk. The final dmg file should be "SUMO_launchers.dmg".