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DOC: Reindexing behaviour of dataframe column-assignment missing #39845



Location of the documentation


Documentation problem

When assigning a Series through df[...] = ... or df.loc[...] = , the Series' index is expanded to conform to the DataFrame's, and then values are added according to the index:

In [1]: df
0  1
1  2
2  3

In [2]: df['b'] = pd.Series({1: 'b'})
In [3]: df
   a    b
0  1  NaN
1  2    b
2  3  NaN

In [4]: se = pd.Series({2: 'zero', 1: 'one', 0: 'two'})      
# NOTE: Order is preserved and reflected in the Series' order
In [5]: se
2    zero
1     one
0     two
dtype: object
In [6]: df['d'] = se
# NOTE: values have been reordered according to the df's index
In [7]: df
   a    b    d
0  1  NaN  two
1  2    b  one
2  3  NaN zero

(But in contrast:

In [4]: df['c'] = {1: 'c'} 
<traceback omitted>
ValueError: Length of values (1) does not match length of index (3)


As far as I can tell, this is not really documented. In the case of __setitem__ there is no API documentation at all, and one is left only with the "Selecting and Indexing Data" guide's examples. In the case of .loc there is mention that if using a Series as input, "The index of the key will be aligned before masking," but this is not what we're doing here. Neither set of examples indicates the behaviour when adding a new column or part of column: the only hints I could find in the guide about setting with enlargement added a series whose index was the same as the existing index. This means that it is not clear what order the data will end up in the dataframe and where NaNs will be added.

In the case of .loc in general the API documentation, although it does exist, is fairly scant. There is a link to the user guide, but personally I think this is pretty important behaviour to document in the reference.

Suggested fix for documentation

  • Add documentation for __setitem__ and in particular the behaviour of reindexing Series.
  • Update documentation for .loc to more completely describe the behaviour obtained when assigning to .loc[], and include at least one example of assigning to a partial column. Alternatively add this to the user guide. Perhaps something like the following, plus an example like those above:

When assigning a Series to a DataFrame, either via .loc or via the [] operator, values of the Series will be added to the dataframe according to their index. Values in the Series whose label does not appear in the DataFrame will not be added, and labels missing from the Series' index will be NaN. This also means that the order that data appears in the resulting DataFrame could be different from the order in the Series.



DocsIndexingRelated to indexing on series/frames, not to indexes themselvesgood first issue


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