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Most of the communication between processes, either on a node or between nodes, happens through message passing. There is no shared memory between processes and this makes concurrency and distributed programming much easier.


Part 1: REPL explorations

Let's explore message passing in iex.

Starts iex like this:

iex --name node1@ -S mix

This starts a distributed node with the secret cookie stored in ~/.erlang.cookie. Every node on the network (or locally) with the same cookie can communicate together.

The low-level primitives for sending messages are send and receive, we can send a message to the current process like this:

send(self(), :hello)

An Elixir/Erlang system is highly observable and introspectable. We can see that the message queue of the current process contains one message: |> Keyword.get(:message_queue_len)

We send one more message:

send(self(), :world)

Now it has two messages in the queue: |> Keyword.get(:message_queue_len)

Let's flush the message:


We see our messages and the queue is now empty. Flush is only used for iex.

Message are not limited to atoms, we can send every Erlang term, inclusive functions.

Execute the TapaMessages.start_message_receiver function:

pid = TapaMessages.start_message_receiver

and send it a message:

send(pid, {:hello, "world"})

It will print Received: {:hello, "world"}. Look at the code to understand how to receive a message. The spawn is needed otherwise receive will be executed within the process of the REPL and will block the REPL waiting for message that we cannot send from the blocked REPL.

Now type this:

pid = TapaMessages.start_message_receiver_2()
send(pid, {:ping, self()})

We see that we can send pids and have bidirectional communication. Look at the implementation of start_message_receiver_2. Pattern-matching can be used in receive. Note that receive does not create a loop, it just blocks until a matching message is received.

Now executes this:

pid = TapaMessages.start_message_receiver_2()
send(pid, :some_message)
Process.alive?(pid) |> Keyword.get(:message_queue_len)
send(pid, :some_message_2) |> Keyword.get(:message_queue_len)

What is happening? How can we fix this problem?

Now we will see how processes and message passing are related. Look at the code of start_two_children, and then executes it:


It behaves as in the previous tapa. But now look at the code of start_two_children_trap_exit, and then executes this:


and waits 2 seconds. When you see Type: ... in the REPL, type what is indicated. We can see that child2 is still alive despite its parent having an error and both processes being linked. Why? Check the documentation

The Received: {:EXIT, #PID<0.351.0>, :some_error} output shows us that the communication for the lifecycle of processes happen also with messages (also called signals).

If process A wants to monitor process B without linking to it, process A can invoke the function Process.monitor. A message will be send to A when B dies.

Part 2: distributed Erlang

In a second terminal start a second iex REPL like this:

Starts iex like this:

iex --name node2@ -S mix

In terminal 2, check that the communication between the two nodes is established:

iex(node2@> node1 = :"node1@"

If the node is NOT reachable, :pang is returned instead.

In terminal 2, let's register the process of the REPL with name and then listen to incoming messages:

iex(node2@> Process.register(self(), :repl_node2)
iex(node2@> receive do
...(node2@> msg -> IO.inspect(msg, label: "Received")
...(node2@> end

In terminal 1, send a message:

iex(node1@> send({:repl_node2, :"node2@"}, {:hello_from, self()})
{:hello_from, #PID<0.156.0>}
iex(node1@> self()

Here send returns the send value and we can see that the local pid of the REPL starts with 0. Local pids always start with zero.

Now go back to terminal 2, you should see something like that:

Received: {:hello_from, #PID<18770.156.0>}
{:hello_from, #PID<18770.156.0>}

Here the PID we see is the global one but it still identifies the REPL process of node1. We have the local pid and the global pid for the same process.

Now starts listening to messages in terminal 1:

iex(node1@> receive do
...(node1@> msg -> IO.inspect(msg, label: "Received")
...(node1@> end

and sends a message from node2 to node1:

iex(node2@> repl_node1_pid = :erlang.list_to_pid('<18770.156.0>')
iex(node2@> send(repl_node1_pid, {:hello_back, 42})
{:hello_back, 42}

Now check that the message is received in node1.

We can not only send messages between nodes but also execute arbitrary code. This is why keeping the ~/.erlang.cookie file secret is very important.

iex(node2@> Node.spawn(:"node1@", fn -> IO.inspect(self(), label: "pid") end)
pid: #PID<0.172.0>

We can see that the global pid listed above starts with the same number as the one for the REPL process of node1, this shows that the IO.inspect code is executed on node1.

Finally, we can also send any values, inclusive functions!

In terminal 2:

iex(node2@> receive do
...(node2@> msg -> IO.inspect(msg.(100), label: "result")
...(node2@> end

In terminal 1:

iex(node1@> add_42 = fn x -> x + 42 end
iex(node1@> send({:repl_node2, :"node2@"}, add_42)
#Function<44.65746770/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>

In terminal 2:

result: 142

We have executed in node2 a function sent from node1! This shows the power and the flexibility of Elixir/Erlang.

In practice we almost never use such the low-level functions such as send and Node.spawn but built our application in top of GenServers.

Open questions

Maybe you know the old CORBA RPC technology or a more modern one like gRPC, what make them different to Distributed Erlang? Why is it possible to have the same interface when sending message locally or on a node?

One fallacy of distributed computing is "The network is reliable". Do you have a guess on how does Elixir/Erlang deal with it? We will learn more about it in the next section of the tapas.


Ask the instructors if you don't understand something or are blocked.