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531 lines (338 loc) · 14.5 KB

Change log


  • Improve default ActionPolicy::Unauthorized error message. (@Spone)

Before: Not Authorized / After: Not authorized: UserPolicy#create? returns false

0.7.1 (2024-07-25)

  • Support passing scope options to callable scope objects. (@palkan)

0.7.0 (2024-06-20)

  • Ruby 2.7+ is required.

  • Support using callable objects as scopes. (@killondark)

0.6.9 (2024-04-19)

  • Add .with_context modifier to the #have_authorized_scope matcher. (@killondark)

0.6.8 (2024-01-17)

  • Do not preload Rails base classes, use load hooks everywhere. (@palkan)

0.6.7 (2023-09-13)

  • Fix loading Rails extensions during eager load. (@palkan)

0.6.6 (2023-09-11)

  • Fix loading Active Record and Action Controller scope matchers. (@palkan)

  • Add --parent option for policy generator (@matsales28)


bin/rails g action_policy:policy user --parent=base_policy generates:

class UserPolicy < BasePolicy
# ...

0.6.5 (2023-02-16)

  • Fix generated policies' outdated Ruby API (to work with Ruby 3.2).

0.6.4 (2022-01-17)

  • Fix loading of Rails scope matchers. (@palkan)

Issue #225

  • Add support to assert context in test matchers (@matsales28)

0.6.3 (2022-08-16)

0.6.2 (2022-08-12)

  • Allow omitting authorization record if with is provided. (@palkan)

0.6.1 (2022-05-23)

  • Fix policy lookup when a namespaced record is passed and the strict mode is used. (@palkan)
  • Expose #authorized_scope as helper. (@palkan)
  • [Fixes #207] refinement#include deprecation warning on Ruby 3.1

0.6.0 (2021-09-02)

  • Drop Ruby 2.5 support.
  • [Closes #186] Add inline_reasons: true option to allowed_to? to avoid wrapping reasons. (@palkan)
  • [Fixes #173] Explicit context were not merged with implicit one within policy classes. (@palkan)
  • Add strict_namespace: option to policy_for behaviour ([@kevynlebouille][])
  • Prevent possible side effects in policy lookup (@tomdalling)

0.5.7 (2021-03-03)

The previous release had incorrect dependencies (due to the missing transpiled files).

0.5.6 (2021-03-03)

  • Add ActionPolicy.enforce_predicate_rules_naming config to catch rule missing question mark (@skojin)

0.5.5 (2020-12-28)

0.5.4 (2020-12-09)

  • Add support for RSpec aliases detection when linting policy specs with rubocop-rspec 2.0 (@pirj)

  • Fix strict_namespace: true lookup option not finding policies in global namespace (@Be-ngt-oH)

0.5.0 (2020-09-29)

  • Move deny! / allow! to core. (@palkan)

Now you can call deny! and allow! in policy rules to fail- or pass-fast.

BREAKING. Pre-check name is no longer added automatically to failure reasons. You should specify the reason explicitly: deny!(:my_reason).

  • Add Result#all_details to return all collected details in a single hash. (@palkan)

  • Add default option to lookup and default_authorization_policy_class callback to behaviour. (@palkan)

  • Add skip_verify_authorized! to Rails controllers integration. (@palkan)

This method allows you to skip the verify_authorized callback dynamically.

  • Drop Ruby 2.4 support. (@palkan)

  • Add allowance_to method to authorization behaviour. (@palkan)

This method is similar to allowed_to? but returns an authorization result object.

  • Support aliases in allowed_to? / check? calls within policies. (@palkan)

0.4.5 (2020-07-29)

  • Add strict_namespace option to lookup chain. (@rainerborene)

0.4.4 (2020-07-07)

  • Fix symbol lookup with namespaces. (@palkan)

Fixes #122.

  • Separated #classify-based and #camelize-based symbol lookups. (@Be-ngt-oH)

Only affects Rails apps. Now lookup for :users tries to find UsersPolicy first (camelize), and only then search for UserPolicy (classify).

See PR#118.

  • Fix calling rules with allowed_to? directly. (@palkan)

    Fixes #113

0.4.3 (2019-12-14)

  • Add #cache(*parts, **options) { ... } method. (@palkan)

Allows you to cache anything in policy classes using the Action Policy cache key generation mechanism.

  • Handle versioned Rails cache keys. (@palkan)

Use #cache_with_version as a cache key if defined.

0.4.2 (2019-12-13)

  • Fix regression introduced in 0.4.0 which broke testing Class targets. (@palkan)

0.4.0 (2019-12-11)

  • Add action_policy.init instrumentation event. (@palkan)

Triggered every time a new policy object is initialized.

  • Fix policy memoization with explicit context. (@palkan)

Explicit context (authorize! context: {}) wasn't considered during policies memoization. Not this is fixed.

  • Support composed matchers for authorization target testing. (@palkan)

Now you can write tests like this:

expect { subject }.to be_authorized_to(:show?, an_instance_of(User))

0.3.4 (2019-11-27)

Only invoke install generator if application_policy.rb is missing. Fix hooking into test frameworks.

0.3.3 (2019-11-27)

  • Improve pretty print functionality. (@palkan)

Colorize true/false values. Handle multiline expressions and debug statements (i.e., binding.pry).

Adds action_policy:install and action_policy:policy MODEL Rails generators.

Allows making authorization context optional:

class OptionalRolePolicy < ActionPolicy::Base
  authorize :role, optional: true

policy =
policy.role #=> nil

0.3.2 (2019-05-26) 👶

  • Fixed thread-safety issues with scoping configs. (@palkan)

Fixes #75.

0.3.1 (2019-05-30)

  • Fixed bug with missing implicit target and hash like scoping data. (@palkan)

Fixes #70.

0.3.0 (2019-04-02)

  • Added ActiveSupport-based instrumentation. (@palkan)

See PR#4

  • Allow passing authorization context explicitly. (@palkan)

Closes #3.

Now it's possible to override implicit authorization context via context option:

authorize! target, to: :show?, context: {user: another_user}
authorized_scope User.all, context: {user: another_user}
  • Renamed #authorized to #authorized_scope. (@palkan)

NOTE: #authorized alias is also available.

  • Added Policy#pp(rule) method to print annotated rule source code. (@palkan)

Example (debugging):

def edit?
  binding.pry # rubocop:disable Lint/Debugger
  ( == "John") && (admin? || access_feed?)
pry> pp :edit?
↳ ( == "John" #=> false
    admin? #=> false
    access_feed? #=> true

See PR#63

  • Added ability to provide additional failure reasons details. (@palkan)


class ApplicantPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
  def show?
    allowed_to?(:show?, object.stage)

class StagePolicy < ApplicationPolicy
  def show?
    # Add stage title to the failure reason (if any)
    # (could be used by client to show more descriptive message)
    details[:title] = record.title
    # then perform the checks

# when accessing the reasons
p ex.result.reasons.details #=> { stage: [{show?: {title: "Onboarding"}] }

See #58

  • Ruby 2.4+ is required. (@palkan)

  • Added RSpec DSL for writing policy specs. (@palkan)

The goal of this DSL is to reduce the boilerplate when writing policies specs.


describe PostPolicy do
  let(:user) { build_stubbed :user }
  let(:record) { build_stubbed :post, draft: false }

  let(:context) { {user: user} }

  describe_rule :show? do
    succeed "when post is published"

    failed "when post is draft" do
      before { post.draft = false }

      succeed "when user is a manager" do
        before { user.role = "manager" }


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  rescue_from ActionPolicy::Unauthorized do |ex|
    p ex.result.message #=> "You do not have access to the stage"
    p ex.result.reasons.full_messages #=> ["You do not have access to the stage"]
  • Added scope options to scopes. (@korolvs)

See #47.


# users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @user = authorized(User.all, scope_options: {with_deleted: true})

# user_policy.rb
describe UserPolicy < Application do
  relation_scope do |relation, with_deleted: false|
    rel = some_logic(relation)
    with_deleted ? rel.with_deleted : rel

For instance, lookup will implicitly use AdminPolicy in a following case:

# admin_controller.rb
class AdminController < ApplicationController
  authorize! :admin, to: :update_settings
  • Added testing for scopes. (@palkan)


# users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @user = authorized(User.all)

# users_controller_spec.rb
describe UsersController do
  subject { get :index }
  it "has authorized scope" do
    expect { subject }.to have_authorized_scope(:active_record_relation)

See #5.

By "scoping" we mean an ability to use policies to scope data.

For example, when you want to scope Active Record collections depending on the current user permissions:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @posts = authorized(Post.all)

class PostPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
  relation_scope do |relation|
    next relation if user.admin?
    relation.where(user: user)

Action Policy provides a flexible mechanism to apply scopes to anything you want.

Read more in docs.

  • Added #implicit_authorization_target. (@palkan).

See #35.

Implicit authorization target (defined by implicit_authorization_target) is used when no target specified for authorize! call.

For example, for Rails controllers integration it's just controller_name.classify.safe_constantize.

  • Consider record#policy_name when looking up for a policy class. (@palkan)

0.2.4 (2018-09-06)

  • [Fix #39] Fix configuring cache store in Rails. (@palkan)

  • Add did_you_mean suggestion to UnknownRule exception. (@palkan)

  • Add check? as an alias for allowed_to? in policies. (@palkan)

  • Add ability to disable per-thread cache and disable it in test env by default. (@palkan)

You can control per-thread cache by setting:

ActionPolicy::PerThreadCache.enabled = true # or false

0.2.3 (2018-07-03)

  • [Fix #16] Add ability to disable namespace resolution cache. (@palkan)

We cache namespaced policy resolution for better performance (it could affect performance when we look up a policy from a deeply nested module context).

It could be disabled by setting ActionPolicy::LookupChain.namespace_cache_enabled = false. It's enabled by default unless RACK_ENV env var is specified and is not equal to "production" (e.g. when RACK_ENV=test the cache is disabled).

When using Rails it's enabled only in production mode but could be configured through setting the config.action_policy.namespace_cache_enabled parameter.

  • [Fix #18] Clarify documentation around, and fix the way resolve_rule resolves rules and rule aliases when subclasses are involved. (@brendon)

0.2.2 (2018-07-01)

  • [Fix #29] Fix loading cache middleware. (@palkan)

  • Use send instead of public_send to get the authorization_context so that contexts such as current_user can be private in the controller. (@brendon)

  • Fix railtie initialization for Rails < 5. (@brendon)

0.2.1 (yanked)

0.2.0 (2018-06-17)

  • Make action_policy JRuby-compatible. (@palkan)

  • Add reasons.details. (@palkan)

rescue_from ActionPolicy::Unauthorized do |ex|
  ex.result.reasons.details #=> { stage: [:show?] }

ExecutionResult contains all the rule application artifacts: the result (true / false), failures reasons.

This value is now stored in a cache (if any) instead of just the call result (true / false).

0.1.4 (2018-06-06)

  • Fix Railtie injection hook. (@palkan)

  • Fix Ruby 2.3 compatibility. (@palkan)

0.1.3 (2018-05-20)

0.1.2 (2018-05-09)

  • [Fix #6] Fix controller concern to work with API/Metal controllers. (@palkan)

0.1.1 (2018-04-21)

  • [Fix #2] Fix namespace lookup when Rails autoloading is involved. (@palkan)

0.1.0 (2018-04-17)

  • Initial pre-release version. (@palkan)