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404 lines (283 loc) · 36.6 KB


File metadata and controls

404 lines (283 loc) · 36.6 KB


v1.5B3 (2019.3 B3)

Changes since v1.4:

  • [GEN] WinFsp file systems can now be used by WSLinux. Use the command sudo mount -t drvfs x: /mnt/x to mount.

  • [GEN] Extended attribute support has been added for all WinFsp API’s: native, .NET, FUSE2 and FUSE3.

  • [GEN] Mount Manager support has been added and it works for current and new file systems:

    • If the file system mountpoint is in the syntax \\.\X: then the Mount Manager is used.

    • If the file system mountpoint is in the syntax X: then DefineDosDeviceW is used (i.e. same as today).

    • If the file system mountpoint is in the syntax X:\DIR then a reparse point is used and the file system is mounted as a directory (i.e. same as today).

    • Caveats:

      • It requires Administrator access. This is because opening the \\.\MountPointManager device requires Administrator access.

      • It currently works with drives (\\.\X:) but not directories (\\.\X:\DIR).

      • Mount Manager drives created by WinFsp are transient. WinFsp takes various steps to ensure that this is the case.

      • Mount Manager drives are global and are visible across Terminal Services sessions (they go into the \GLOBAL?? portion of the NT namespace).

  • [FSD] Support for kernel-mode file systems on top of WinFsp has been added. See FspFsextProvider. This is in preparation for WinFuse - FUSE for Windows and WSLinux.

  • [FSD] FastIO support has been added. FastIO operations are enabled on cache-enabled file systems with the notable exception of FastIoQueryOpen, which allows opening files in kernel mode; this operation requires the file system to specify the FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS::AllowOpenInKernelMode flag.

  • [FSD] Support for FileFsSectorSizeInformation and IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY / StorageAccessAlignmentProperty has been added.

  • [DLL] The FspFileSystemStartDispatcher default number of threads (ThreadCount==0) has been changed. See commit 3902874ac93fe40685d9761f46a96358ba24f24c for more.

  • [FUSE] FUSE has new -o UserName=DOMAIN+USERNAME and -o GroupName=DOMAIN+GROUPNAME options. These function like the -o uid=UID and -o gid=GID options, but accept Windows user and groups names.

  • [FUSE] FUSE has new -o dothidden option that is used to add the Windows hidden file attribute to files that start with a dot.

  • [FUSE] FUSE has new -o create_file_umask=nnn and -o create_dir_umask=nnn options that allow for more control than the -o create_umask=nnn option.

  • [FUSE] FUSE has new --ExactFileSystemName=FSNAME option that removes the "FUSE-" prefix from the file system name. (Use with caution: see discussion in PR #251.) (Thanks @johntyner.)

  • [.NET] The .NET API now supports asynchronous handling of Read, Write and ReadDirectory. (Thanks @dworkin.)

  • [.NET] The .NET API now supports fine-grained timeouts (VolumeInfoTimeout, DirInfoTimeout, etc).

  • [.NET] The .NET API has new method FileSystemHost.MountEx that adds a ThreadCount parameter.

  • [LAUNCH] The Launcher can now rewrite path arguments passed to file systems during launching using "Path Transformation Language". See commit a73f1b95592617ac7484e16c2e642573a4d65644 for more.

  • [MEMFS] A new memfs FUSE3 file system written in C++ has been added. See tst/memfs-fuse3.

  • [AIRFS] John Oberschelp has done some fantastic work adding persistence to the airfs file system. (Thanks @JohnOberschelp.)

  • [FIX] Fixes for very large (> 4GiB) files. (Thanks @dworkin.)

  • [FIX] A fix for how FUSE handles the return value from opendir. (GitHub issue winfsp/sshfs-win#54)

  • [FIX] A fix for an invalid UID to SID mapping on domains with a lot of users. (Thanks @sganis.)

  • [FIX] A fix on the C++ layer. (Thanks @colatkinson.)

  • Other fixes and improvements.

v1.5B2 (2019.3 B2)

Changes since v1.4:

  • [GEN] WinFsp file systems can now be used by WSLinux. Use the command sudo mount -t drvfs x: /mnt/x to mount.

  • [GEN] Extended attribute support has been added for all WinFsp API’s: native, .NET, FUSE2 and FUSE3.

  • [FSD] Support for kernel-mode file systems on top of WinFsp has been added. See FspFsextProvider. This is in preparation for WinFuse - FUSE for Windows and WSLinux.

  • [FSD] FastIO support has been added. FastIO operations are enabled on cache-enabled file systems with the notable exception of FastIoQueryOpen, which allows opening files in kernel mode; this operation requires the file system to specify the FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS::AllowOpenInKernelMode flag.

  • [DLL] The FspFileSystemStartDispatcher default number of threads (ThreadCount==0) has been changed. See commit 3902874ac93fe40685d9761f46a96358ba24f24c for more.

  • [FUSE] FUSE has new -o UserName=DOMAIN\USERNAME and -o GroupName=DOMAIN\GROUPNAME options. These function like the -o uid=UID and -o gid=GID options, but accept Windows user and groups names.

  • [FUSE] FUSE has new -o dothidden option that is used to add the Windows hidden file attribute to files that start with a dot.

  • [FUSE] FUSE has new -o create_file_umask=nnn and -o create_dir_umask=nnn options that allow for more control than the -o create_umask=nnn option.

  • [.NET] The .NET API now supports asynchronous handling of Read, Write and ReadDirectory. (Thanks @dworkin.)

  • [.NET] The .NET API now supports fine-grained timeouts (VolumeInfoTimeout, DirInfoTimeout, etc).

  • [.NET] The .NET API has new method FileSystemHost.MountEx that adds a ThreadCount parameter.

  • [LAUNCH] The Launcher can now rewrite path arguments passed to file systems during launching using "Path Transformation Language". See commit a73f1b95592617ac7484e16c2e642573a4d65644 for more.

  • [FIX] Fixes for very large (> 4GiB) files. (Thanks @dworkin.)

  • [FIX] A fix for how FUSE handles the return value from opendir. (GitHub issue winfsp/sshfs-win#54)

  • [FIX] A fix for an invalid UID to SID mapping on domains with a lot of users. (Thanks @sganis.)

  • [FIX] A fix on the C++ layer. (Thanks @colatkinson.)

  • Other fixes and improvements.

v1.5B1 (2019.3 B1)

Changes since v1.4:

  • Extended attribute support has been added for all WinFsp API’s: native, .NET, FUSE2 and FUSE3.

  • Initial FastIO support has been added. FastIO operations are enabled on cache-enabled file systems with the notable exception of FastIoQueryOpen, which allows opening files in kernel mode; this operation requires the file system to specify the FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS::AllowOpenInKernelMode flag.

  • Fixes for very large (> 4GiB) files. (Thanks @dworkin.)

  • A fix for an invalid UID to SID mapping on domains with a lot of users. (Thanks @sganis.)

  • A fix on the C++ layer. (Thanks @colatkinson.)

v1.4.19049 (2019.2)

Changes since v1.3:

  • FUSE3 API (version 3.2) is now available. The FUSE2 API (version 2.8) also remains supported.

  • New Control file system operation allows sending custom control codes to the file system using the Windows DeviceIoControl API. FUSE ioctl is also supported.

  • New SetDelete file system operation can optionally be used instead of CanDelete. SetDelete or CanDelete are used to handle the file "disposition" flag, which determines if a file is marked for deletion. See the relevant documentation for more details.

  • FlushAndPurgeOnCleanup has now been added to the .NET API. (GitHub PR #176; thanks @FrKaram.)

  • The Launcher now supports running file systems under the user account that started them. Use RunAs="." in the file system registry entry.

  • New sample file system "airfs" contributed by @JohnOberschelp. Airfs is an in-memory file system like Memfs on which it is based on; it has received substantial improvements in how the file name space is maintained and has been modified to use modern C++ techniques by John.

  • New sample file system "passthrough-fuse3" passes all operations to an underlying file system. This file system is built using the FUSE3 API. It builds and runs on both Windows and Cygwin.

  • The FUSE layer now supports multiple file systems within a single process. This is a long standing problem that has been fixed. (GitHub issue #135.)

  • The FSD includes a fix for a Windows problem: that case-sensitive file systems do not work properly when mounted as directories. See FAQ entry #3.

  • The FSD includes a fix for a rare but serious problem. (GitHub issue #177. Thanks @thinkport.)

  • The FSD includes a fix for an incompatibility with DrWeb Antivirus. (GitHub issue #192)

  • The DLL includes a fix for an errorenous STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED on read-only directories. (GitHub issue #190. Thanks @alfaunits.)

  • The FUSE layer includes a fix for the ioctl operation. (GitHub PR #214. Thanks @felfert.)

v1.4 (2019.1)

Changes since v1.3:

  • FUSE3 API (version 3.2) is now available. The FUSE2 API (version 2.8) also remains supported.

  • New Control file system operation allows sending custom control codes to the file system using the Windows DeviceIoControl API. FUSE ioctl is also supported.

  • New SetDelete file system operation can optionally be used instead of CanDelete. SetDelete or CanDelete are used to handle the file "disposition" flag, which determines if a file is marked for deletion. See the relevant documentation for more details.

  • FlushAndPurgeOnCleanup has now been added to the .NET API. (GitHub PR #176; thanks @FrKaram.)

  • The Launcher now supports running file systems under the user account that started them. Use RunAs="." in the file system registry entry.

  • New sample file system "airfs" contributed by @JohnOberschelp. Airfs is an in-memory file system like Memfs on which it is based on; it has received substantial improvements in how the file name space is maintained and has been modified to use modern C++ techniques by John.

  • New sample file system "passthrough-fuse3" passes all operations to an underlying file system. This file system is built using the FUSE3 API. It builds and runs on both Windows and Cygwin.

  • The FUSE layer now supports multiple file systems within a single process. This is a long standing problem that has been fixed. (GitHub issue #135.)

  • The FSD includes a fix for a Windows problem: that case-sensitive file systems do not work properly when mounted as directories. See FAQ entry #3.

  • The FSD includes a fix for a rare but serious problem. (GitHub issue #177. Thanks @thinkport.)

  • The FSD includes a fix for an incompatibility with DrWeb Antivirus. (GitHub issue #192)

  • The DLL includes a fix for an errorenous STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED on read-only directories. (GitHub issue #190. Thanks @alfaunits.)

v1.4B4 (2018.2 B4)

Changes since v1.3:

  • FUSE3 API (version 3.2) is now available. The FUSE2 API (version 2.8) also remains supported.

  • New Control file system operation allows sending custom control codes to the file system using the Windows DeviceIoControl API. FUSE ioctl is also supported.

  • New SetDelete file system operation can optionally be used instead of CanDelete. SetDelete or CanDelete are used to handle the file "disposition" flag, which determines if a file is marked for deletion. See the relevant documentation for more details.

  • FlushAndPurgeOnCleanup has now been added to the .NET API. (GitHub PR #176; thanks @FrKaram.)

  • The Launcher now supports running file systems under the user account that started them. Use RunAs="." in the file system registry entry.

  • New sample file system "airfs" contributed by @JohnOberschelp. Airfs is an in-memory file system like Memfs on which it is based on; it has received substantial improvements in how the file name space is maintained and has been modified to use modern C++ techniques by John.

  • New sample file system "passthrough-fuse3" passes all operations to an underlying file system. This file system is built using the FUSE3 API. It builds and runs on both Windows and Cygwin.

  • The FUSE layer now supports multiple file systems within a single process. This is a long standing problem that has been fixed. (GitHub issue #135.)

  • The FSD includes a fix for a Windows problem: that case-sensitive file systems do not work properly when mounted as directories. See FAQ entry #3.

  • The FSD includes a fix for a rare but serious problem. (GitHub issue #177. Thanks @thinkport.)

  • The FSD includes a fix for an incompatibility with DrWeb Antivirus. (GitHub issue #192)

  • The DLL includes a fix for an errorenous STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED on read-only directories. (GitHub issue #190. Thanks @alfaunits.)

v1.4B3 (2018.2 B3)

Changes since v1.3:

  • FUSE3 API (version 3.2) is now available. The FUSE2 API (version 2.8) also remains supported.

  • New Control file system operation allows sending custom control codes to the file system using the Windows DeviceIoControl API. FUSE ioctl is also supported.

  • New SetDelete file system operation can optionally be used instead of CanDelete. SetDelete or CanDelete are used to handle the file "disposition" flag, which determines if a file is marked for deletion. See the relevant documentation for more details.

  • FlushAndPurgeOnCleanup has now been added to the .NET API. (GitHub PR #176; thanks @FrKaram.)

  • New sample file system "airfs" contributed by @JohnOberschelp. Airfs is an in-memory file system like Memfs on which it is based on; it has received substantial improvements in how the file name space is maintained and has been modified to use modern C++ techniques by John.

  • New sample file system "passthrough-fuse3" passes all operations to an underlying file system. This file system is built using the FUSE3 API. It builds and runs on both Windows and Cygwin.

  • The FUSE layer now supports multiple file systems within a single process. This is a long standing problem that has been fixed. (GitHub issue #135.)

  • The FSD includes an experimental fix for a Windows problem: that case-sensitive file systems do not work properly when mounted as directories. See the relevant FAQ entry.

  • The FSD includes a fix for an incompatibility with DrWeb Antivirus. (GitHub issue #192)

v1.4B2 (2018.2 B2)

Changes since v1.3:

  • FUSE3 API (version 3.2) is now available. The FUSE2 API (version 2.8) also remains supported.

  • New Control file system operation allows sending custom control codes to the file system using the Windows DeviceIoControl API. FUSE ioctl is also supported.

  • FlushAndPurgeOnCleanup has now been added to the .NET API. (GitHub PR #176; thanks @FrKaram.)

  • New sample file system "airfs" contributed by @JohnOberschelp. Airfs is an in-memory file system like Memfs on which it is based on; it has received substantial improvements in how the file name space is maintained and has been modified to use modern C++ techniques by John.

  • New sample file system "passthrough-fuse3" passes all operations to an underlying file system. This file system is built using the FUSE3 API. It builds and runs on both Windows and Cygwin.

  • The FUSE layer now supports multiple file systems within a single process. This is a long standing problem that has been fixed. (GitHub issue #135.)

v1.4B1 (2018.2 B1)

Changes since v1.3:

  • New Control file system operation allows sending custom control codes to the file system using the Windows DeviceIoControl API.

v1.3 (2018.1)

Changes since v1.2POST1:

  • Multiple Launcher changes:

    • New FspLaunch API. File systems can be started, stopped, queried and listed using FspLaunchStart, FspLaunchStop, FspLaunchGetInfo and FspLaunchGetNameList. The API is available in <winfsp/launch.h>

    • New Launcher registry settings RunAs and WorkDirectory. RunAs allows the laucher to launch a file system process under the service accounts LocalService and NetworkService. WorkDirectory can be used to specify the work directory for a newly launched file system process.

  • FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS::FlushAndPurgeOnCleanup limits the time that Windows keeps files open after an application has closed them. This purges the cache on the last CloseHandle, which is a performance drawback.

    • This is now the default behavior on FUSE. To revert to the previous behavior of keeping files open indefinitely use -o KeepFileCache.

  • FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS has been extended with fine-grained timeouts: VolumeInfoTimeout, DirInfoTimeout, SecurityTimeout, StreamInfoTimeout. Set FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS::Version == sizeof(FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS) to access the new fields.

    • New FUSE optons VolumeInfoTimeout, DirInfoTimeout complement the existing FileInfoTimeout.

  • The FSD (File System Driver) and its interaction with the Windows MUP (Multiple UNC Provider) has been changed. In practice this eliminates the delays experienced when right-clicking on a WinFsp-backed network drive in the Windows Explorer. (GitHub issue #87.)

  • The WinFsp network provider is now added first in the provider order list. Previously it was added last. (GitHub PR #131; thanks @felfert.)

  • The WinFsp installer now uses the Wix Provides dependency extension to provide a WinFsp dependency key. (GitHub PR #129; thanks @felfert.)

  • New FUSE create_umask option. (GitHub issue #138.)

  • Fix C++ compilation error for WinFsp-FUSE. (GitHub PR #154; thanks @benrubson.)

v1.3B3 (2018.1 B3)

Changes since v1.2POST1:

  • Multiple Launcher changes:

    • New FspLaunch API. File systems can be started, stopped, queried and listed using FspLaunchStart, FspLaunchStop, FspLaunchGetInfo and FspLaunchGetNameList. The API is available in <winfsp/launch.h>

    • New Launcher registry settings RunAs and WorkDirectory. RunAs allows the laucher to launch a file system process under the service accounts LocalService and NetworkService. WorkDirectory can be used to specify the work directory for a newly launched file system process.

  • FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS::FlushAndPurgeOnCleanup limits the time that Windows keeps files open after an application has closed them. This purges the cache on the last CloseHandle, which is a performance drawback.

    • This is now the default behavior on FUSE. To revert to the previous behavior of keeping files open indefinitely use -o KeepFileCache.

  • FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS has been extended with fine-grained timeouts: VolumeInfoTimeout, DirInfoTimeout, SecurityTimeout, StreamInfoTimeout. Set FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS::Version == sizeof(FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS) to access the new fields.

    • New FUSE optons VolumeInfoTimeout, DirInfoTimeout complement the existing FileInfoTimeout.

  • The FSD (File System Driver) and its interaction with the Windows MUP (Multiple UNC Provider) has been changed. In practice this eliminates the delays experienced when right-clicking on a WinFsp-backed network drive in the Windows Explorer. (GitHub issue #87.)

  • The WinFsp network provider is now added first in the provider order list. Previously it was added last. (GitHub PR #131; thanks @felfert.)

  • The WinFsp installer now uses the Wix Provides dependency extension to provide a WinFsp dependency key. (GitHub PR #129; thanks @felfert.)

  • New FUSE create_umask option. (GitHub issue #138.)

  • Fix C++ compilation error for WinFsp-FUSE. (GitHub PR #154; thanks @benrubson.)

  • NOTE: Prior v1.3 betas run the MEMFS sample file systems under the LocalService account. This is no longer the case: going forward the MEMFS file systems will be running under the LocalSystem account (as in v1.2POST1).

v1.3B2 (2018.1 B2)

Changes since v1.2POST1:

  • Multiple Launcher changes:

    • New FspLaunch API. File systems can be started, stopped, queried and listed using FspLaunchStart, FspLaunchStop, FspLaunchGetInfo and FspLaunchGetNameList.

    • New Launcher registry settings RunAs and WorkDirectory. RunAs allows the laucher to launch a file system process under the service accounts LocalService and NetworkService. WorkDirectory can be used to specify the work directory for a newly launched file system process.

  • The MEMFS sample file systems are now launched under the LocalService account.

  • The FSD (File System Driver) and its interaction with the Windows MUP (Multiple UNC Provider) has been changed. In practice this eliminates the delays experienced when right-clicking on a WinFsp-backed network drive in the Windows Explorer. (GitHub issue #87.)

  • The WinFsp network provider is now added first in the provider order list. Previously it was added last. (GitHub PR #131; thanks @felfert.)

  • The WinFsp installer now uses the Wix Provides dependency extension to provide a WinFsp dependency key. (GitHub PR #129; thanks @felfert.)

v1.3B1 (2018.1 B1)

Changes since v1.2POST1:

  • The WinFsp Launcher can now be controlled by the new FspLaunch API. File systems can be started, stopped, queried and listed using FspLaunchStart, FspLaunchStop, FspLaunchGetInfo and FspLaunchGetNameList.

  • The WinFsp launcher now supports new registry settings RunAs and WorkDirectory. RunAs allows the laucher to launch a file system process under the service accounts LocalService and NetworkService. WorkDirectory can be used to specify the work directory for a newly launched file system process.

  • The MEMFS sample file systems are now launched under the LocalService account.

  • The WinFsp network provider is now added first in the provider order list. Previously it was added last. (GitHub PR #131; thanks @felfert.)

  • The WinFsp installer now uses the Wix Provides dependency extension to provide a WinFsp dependency key. (GitHub PR #129; thanks @felfert.)

v1.2POST1 (2017.2; issue #127)

Changes since v1.1:

  • WinFsp-FUSE now supports BSD flags (Windows file attributes) during getattr and fgetattr. It also adds the chflags operation. BSD flags support requires use of the FSP_FUSE_CAP_STAT_EX capability and the new struct fuse_stat_ex which includes an st_flags field. If the preprocessor macro FSP_FUSE_USE_STAT_EX is defined before inclusion of <fuse.h> then struct fuse_stat will also be defined to include the st_flags field.

  • WinFsp-FUSE also adds the following OSXFUSE operations: setcrtime, setchgtime. These can be used to set the creation (birth) time and change (ctime) time of a file.

  • New GetDirInfoByName file system operation adds fast queries of directory info by file name rather than pattern [e.g. FindFirstFileW(L"foobar", FindData)]. Tests with fsbench showed that such queries are sped up by an order of magnitude when using GetDirInfoByName in MEMFS. Case-sensitive FUSE file systems get this optimization for free. The .NET layer also adds GetDirInfoByName.

  • New FspFileSystemOperationProcessId API adds support for getting the originating process ID (PID) during Create, Open and Rename calls. FUSE file systems can now access fuse_context::pid. The .NET layer also adds GetOperationProcessId.

  • New command line tool fsptool allows command line access to some WinFsp features.

  • The WinFsp launcher now passes the name of the user who launched the file system as a special parameter %U. This is useful to file systems that use the launcher infrastructure, such as SSHFS-Win. [Please note that in earlier betas the user name was passed as parameter %3; the previous method was insecure and is no longer supported.]

  • Important GitHub issues fixed: #96, #97, #103, #107, #127

v1.2 (2017.2)

Changes since v1.1:

  • WinFsp-FUSE now supports BSD flags (Windows file attributes) during getattr and fgetattr. It also adds the chflags operation. BSD flags support requires use of the FSP_FUSE_CAP_STAT_EX capability and the new struct fuse_stat_ex which includes an st_flags field. If the preprocessor macro FSP_FUSE_USE_STAT_EX is defined before inclusion of <fuse.h> then struct fuse_stat will also be defined to include the st_flags field.

  • WinFsp-FUSE also adds the following OSXFUSE operations: setcrtime, setchgtime. These can be used to set the creation (birth) time and change (ctime) time of a file.

  • New GetDirInfoByName file system operation adds fast queries of directory info by file name rather than pattern [e.g. FindFirstFileW(L"foobar", FindData)]. Tests with fsbench showed that such queries are sped up by an order of magnitude when using GetDirInfoByName in MEMFS. Case-sensitive FUSE file systems get this optimization for free. The .NET layer also adds GetDirInfoByName.

  • New FspFileSystemOperationProcessId API adds support for getting the originating process ID (PID) during Create, Open and Rename calls. FUSE file systems can now access fuse_context::pid. The .NET layer also adds GetOperationProcessId.

  • New command line tool fsptool allows command line access to some WinFsp features.

  • The WinFsp launcher now passes the name of the user who launched the file system as a special parameter %U. This is useful to file systems that use the launcher infrastructure, such as SSHFS-Win. [Please note that in earlier betas the user name was passed as parameter %3; the previous method was insecure and is no longer supported.]

  • Important GitHub issues fixed: #96, #97, #103, #107

v1.2B3 (2017.2 B3)

Changes since v1.1:

  • WinFsp-FUSE now supports BSD flags (Windows file attributes) during getattr and fgetattr. It also adds the chflags operation. BSD flags support requires use of the FSP_FUSE_CAP_STAT_EX capability and the new struct fuse_stat_ex which includes an st_flags field. If the preprocessor macro FSP_FUSE_USE_STAT_EX is defined before inclusion of <fuse.h> then struct fuse_stat will also be defined to include the st_flags field.

  • WinFsp-FUSE also adds the following OSXFUSE operations: setcrtime, setchgtime. These can be used to set the creation (birth) time and change (ctime) time of a file.

  • New GetDirInfoByName file system operation adds fast queries of directory info by file name rather than pattern [e.g. FindFirstFileW(L"foobar", FindData)]. Tests with fsbench showed that such queries are sped up by an order of magnitude when using GetDirInfoByName in MEMFS. Case-sensitive FUSE file systems get this optimization for free. The .NET layer also adds GetDirInfoByName.

  • New FspFileSystemOperationProcessId API adds support for getting the originating process ID (PID) during Create, Open and Rename calls. FUSE file systems can now access fuse_context::pid. The .NET layer also adds GetOperationProcessId.

  • New command line tool fsptool allows command line access to some WinFsp features.

  • The WinFsp launcher now passes the username of the user who launched the file system as parameter %3. This is useful to file systems that use the launcher infrastructure, such as SSHFS-Win.

  • Important GitHub issues fixed: #96, #97, #103, #107

v1.2B2 (2017.2 B2)

Changes since v1.1:

  • New command line tool fsptool allows command line access to some WinFsp features.

  • New GetDirInfoByName file system operation adds fast queries of directory info by file name rather than pattern [e.g. FindFirstFileW(L"foobar", FindData)]. Tests with fsbench showed that such queries are sped up by an order of magnitude when using GetDirInfoByName in MEMFS. Case-sensitive FUSE file systems get this optimization for free. The .NET layer also adds GetDirInfoByName.

  • New FspFileSystemOperationProcessId API adds support for getting the originating process ID (PID) during Create, Open and Rename calls. FUSE file systems can now access fuse_context::pid. The .NET layer also adds GetOperationProcessId.

  • Important GitHub issues fixed: #96, #97, #103, #107

v1.2B1 (2017.2 B1)
  • New command line tool fsptool allows command line access to some WinFsp features.

  • New GetDirInfoByName file system operation adds fast queries of directory info by file name rather than pattern [e.g. FindFirstFileW("foobar", FindData)]. Tests with fsbench showed that such queries are sped up by an order of magnitude when using GetDirInfoByName in MEMFS.

  • New FspFileSystemOperationProcessId API adds support for getting the originating process ID (PID) during Create, Open and Rename calls.

v1.1 (2017.1)

This release brings some major new components and improvements.

  • A .NET layer that allows the creation of file systems in managed mode. This is contained in the new winfsp-msil.dll. The new .NET layer is being tested with the WinFsp test suites and Microsoft’s ifstest.

  • FUSE for Cygwin is now included with the installer.

  • FUSE now has a -ovolname=VOLNAME parameter that allows setting the volume label. Thanks @samkelly.

  • A number of other FUSE improvements have been made (see issue #85).

The C++ layer included in the v1.1 beta releases is not part of this release as it is still work in progress. It can be found in inc/winfsp/winfsp.hpp in the WinFsp source repository.
v1.1B3 (2017.1 B3)
v1.1B2 (2017.1 B2)
v1.1B1 (2017.1 BETA)

This release brings some major new components and improvements.

  • A .NET layer that allows the creation of file systems in managed mode. This is contained in the new winfsp-msil.dll. The new .NET layer is being tested with the WinFsp test suites and Microsoft’s ifstest.

  • A simple C++ layer can be found in inc/winfsp/winfsp.hpp.

  • FUSE for Cygwin is now included with the installer.

  • FUSE now has a -ovolname=VOLNAME parameter that allows setting the volume label. Thanks @samkelly.


This is the WinFsp 2017 release! 🎉

  • The API is now FROZEN. Breaking API changes will receive a major version update (2.0). Incremental API changes will receive a minor version update (1.x).

  • Adds chocolatey package. Try choco install winfsp (note: pending approval from

  • FUSE -d output now always goes to stderr. There is also a new -oDebugLog=FILE switch to specify a debug output file.

  • FUSE now provides a default statfs implementation if a file system does not provide one.

  • The WinFsp DLL now exports fuse_* symbols in addition to the fsp_fuse_* symbols. These symbols are for use with programs that use FFI technology such as jnr-fuse and fusepy ONLY. They are not supposed to be used by native C/C++ programs. Such programs are supposed to include the <fuse.h> headers.


This is the WinFsp 2017 Release Candidate 3, which should be the last Release Candidate according to the current plan. This release fixes a major issue with some file systems and includes a few smaller changes:

  • Fixes GitHub issue #55. Prior to this fix it was possible for a rogue process (or faulty file system) to crash Windows using WinFsp. For full details read this thread.

  • Introduces the FspFileSystemSetMountPointEx API, which allows the specification of a security descriptor when mounting over a directory.

  • Introduces the FspVersion API, which allows the retrieval of the WinFsp DLL version. Currently this reports 0x00010000 (version 1.0).

  • Introduces the FSP_FUSE_CAP_CASE_INSENSITIVE and FSP_FUSE_CAP_READDIR_PLUS WinFsp-FUSE flags. The FSP_FUSE_CAP_CASE_INSENSITIVE flag allows a file system to mark itself as case-insensitive. The FSP_FUSE_CAP_READDIR_PLUS flag allows a file system to include full stat details when responding to the readdir operation (thus avoiding extraneous getattr calls).

  • When using WinFsp-FUSE over Cygwin, POSIX paths can be used as mountpoints.

  • Fixes GitHub issue #45. Prior to this fix, file systems that do not properly implement Cleanup (including FUSE file systems) would at times disallow renaming of directories.


This is the WinFsp 2017 Release Candidate 2. Some important changes included below:

  • WinFsp is now available under the GPLv3 with a special exception for Free/Libre and Open Source Software.

  • The location of the WinFsp launcher registry entries is now HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WinFsp\Services. [On Win64 the actual location is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\WinFsp\Services.] This change was necessary to avoid loss of third party file system registry entries during WinFsp uninstallation. [See GitHub issue #31.]

  • Despite stating in the previous release that the API has been finalized the ReadDirectory FSP_FILE_SYSTEM_INTERFACE operation has been changed. Extensive testing with multiple file systems has shown that ReadDirectory was hard to implement correctly. The new definition should make implementation easier for most file systems. [See GitHub issue #34.]

  • Some API’s to facilitate ReadDirectory implementation have been added. Look for FspFileSystem*DirectoryBuffer symbols.

  • The installer now (optionally) installs a sample file system called "passthrough". This is a simple file system that passes all operations to an underlying file system. There is also a tutorial for this file system (in the doc directory).

  • The installer now (optionally) installs a sample file system called "passthrough-fuse". This file system performs the same function as the "passthrough" file system, but uses the FUSE compatibility layer. It builds and runs on both Windows and Cygwin.


This is the WinFsp 2017 Release Candidate 1. It has been tested extensively in a variety of scenarios for stability and correct file system semantics. Some of the more important changes:

  • API has been polished and finalized.

  • Extensively tested against multiple test suites including Microsoft’s IfsTest.

  • WinFsp I/O Queues (the fundamental WinFsp IPC mechanism) have been improved to work similar to I/O Completion Ports.

  • Opportunistic locks have been implemented.

  • File system statistics have been implemented.

  • Sharing a (disk) file system over the network is supported.

  • Case insensitive file systems are supported.

  • Directories are supported as mount points.

  • Access checks are performed correctly in the absense of the traverse privilege.

  • Access checks are performed correctly in the presence of the backup and restore privileges.


This release brings support for named streams.

  • Named streams (or alternate data streams) are additional streams of data within a file. When a file gets opened the main (default, unnamed) data stream of a file gets accessed. However NTFS (and now WinFsp) supports multiple data streams per file accessible using the filename:streamname syntax.

  • WinFsp handles a lot of the hairy details regarding named streams, including sharing checks, pending delete checks, conflicts between the main and named streams, etc.

  • User mode file systems that wish to support named streams must set the FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS::NamedStreams flag and must also be prepared to handle named streams on Create, Cleanup, etc. They must also implement the new FSP_FILE_SYSTEM_INTERFACE::GetStreamInfo operation. For more information on how to correctly handle named streams refer to the MEMFS sample.


This release brings support for reparse points and symbolic links as well as other minor changes.

  • Reparse points are a general mechanism for attaching special behavior to files. Symbolic links in Windows are implemented as reparse points. WinFsp supports any kind of reparse point including symbolic links.

  • The WinFsp FUSE implementation supports symbolic links. It also supports POSIX special files (FIFO, SOCK, CHR, BLK) as NFS reparse points (see

  • User mode file systems that wish to support reparse points will have to set the FSP_FSCTL_VOLUME_PARAMS::ReparsePoints flag and implement the FSP_FILE_SYSTEM_INTERFACE methods ResolveReparsePoints, GetReparsePoint, SetReparsePoint, DeleteReparsePoint. More information in this blog article:

  • The installation now includes public symbol files for all WinFsp components shipped.


This is a minor release that brings support for Windows 7 and 32-bit OS’es.

  • Fixes a number of issues for Windows 7. Windows 7 is now officially supported.

  • Fixes a number of issues with the 32-bit FSD and user mode components. 32-bit versions of Windows are now officially supported.


This release includes support for file systems protected by credentials.

  • WinFsp now supports file systems that require username/password to be unlocked (e.g. sshfs/secfs). Such file systems must add a DWORD registry value with name "Credentials" and value 1 under their WinFsp.Launcher service entry. The WinFsp network provider will then prompt for credentials using the CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials API. Credentials can optionally be saved with the Windows Credential Manager.

  • WinFsp-FUSE now uses the S-1-0-65534 ←→ 65534 mapping for unmapped SID/UID’s. The Anonymous SID mapping from the previous release had security issues.


This release includes a Cygwin package, an API change and some other minor changes:

  • New Cygwin package includes cygfuse-2.8.dll and libfuse-2.8.dll.a for easy use in the Cygwin environment. This is currently offered as a separate download.

  • Minor but breaking API change: SetFileSize/SetAllocationSize have been consolidated. Please refer to the documentation for a description of the changes.

  • File system drive symbolic links (DefineDosDeviceW) now automatically cleaned up even if user mode file system crashes or is terminated forcefully.

  • WinFsp-FUSE now maps unmapped UID’s to the Anonymous SID (S-1-5-7). See:


Prior changes are not recorded in this Changelog.