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Apache licenced set of bootstrap controls written in C# to help ASP.NET Web Forms developers.


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BootstrapControls.NET project is built with .NET 4.0 but it will surely work with a higher versions of .NET framework.


The easiest way to add BootstrapControls.NET to your project is to clone this project into your existing or newly created solution reference it as a project and then register it in Web.config. You can still download the whole repository, unpack it and add it to your solution but you will not be able to sync with the latest version.

  1. Clone this repository to your solution directory.

    -- OR --

    Download the latest version of BootstrapControls.NET here and unpack it to your solution folder (or clone it into your solution directory)

  2. Add BootstrapControls.NET project to your solution by right-clicking on your solution -> Add -> Existing Project...third_step.jpg

  3. Add library reference in your Web Application project by right-clicking on References -> Add Reference... -> Projects -> BootstrapControlsfourth_step.jpg

Finally, register controls with your desired prefix. Insert following code into <system.web> node to register controls under "bs" prefix.

    <add assembly="BootstrapControls" namespace="BootstrapControls" tagPrefix="bs"/>


To render control just start typing <your_prefix: ... , intellisense will show you available controls.



  1. Project structure and dependencies
  2. Controls
    1. BreadCrumbs
    2. Button
    3. Checkbox
    4. DropDown
    5. LinkButton
    6. NotifyPanel
    7. Pagination (hot!)
    8. RadioButton (better than ASP.NET)
    9. TextBox

##Project structure and dependencies

If you've reached this section you probably have your BootstrapControls.NET installed in your solution (otherwise see this) and your solution looks like:


Yeah, you're ready now to use BootstrapControls.NET in your project. But there's one more thing that would make your life even better ! Auto-generated BreadCrumbs - that's what I'm talking about ! If you would like to have it in your project you'll need a pages.json in the root of your Web Application project file which holds your SITEMAP. Here's what it should look like:

  "pages": [
      "pageIco": "fa-car",
      "pageUrl": "#",
      "pageLabel": "Super group",
      "subpages": [
          "pageIco": "fa-car",
          "pageUrl": "/index.aspx",
          "pageLabel": "Index page",
          "subpages": [
              "pageIco": "fa-car",
              "pageUrl": "page1.aspx",
              "pageLabel": "Index subpage 1",
              "subpages": []
              "pageIco": "fa-car",
              "pageUrl": "page2.aspx",
              "pageLabel": "Index subpage 2",
              "subpages": []
      "pageIco": "fa-heart",
      "pageUrl": "#",
      "pageLabel": "Super serce",
      "subpages": []

The most important thing is you have to declare every property also subpages even if there's no subpage !! Remember that.


I'll only explain properties which does not come from base ASP.NET Control.

###BreadCrumbs (requires pages.json see this)

If you have your pages.json file in the root of your Web Application project (if not check this) you simply insert breadcrumb control in your desired place - can be Master page or a WebForm page.

The code:

<bs:BreadCrumbs runat="server" />


This control has no properties


BootstrapControls.NET Button extends ASP.NET System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button

The code:

<bs:Button ID="btn1" runat="server" Text="Submit button" Block="false" Color="Success" Outline="false" Size="Large" />


Block - Boolean - Bootstrap Reference

Color - Enum (Danger/Default/Info/Link/Primary/Success/Warning) - Bootstrap Reference

Outline - Boolean - Bootstrap Reference

Size - Enum (Large/Mini/Small/XtraLarge) when not set - Normal ! Bootstrap Reference


BootstrapControls.NET Checkbox extends ASP.NET System.Web.UI.WebControls.Checkbox

The code:

<bs:CheckBox ID="chk1" runat="server" Label="I accept the terms" Message="You probably forgot to check the checkbox" State="Error" />


Label - Use it instead of Text important! Text property has been overrided and will not render anymore. Bootstrap Reference

Message - You'll want to use it to show validation message along with the State property

State - Enum (Error/Info/Success/Warning) Bootstrap Reference


BootstrapControls.NET DropDown extends ASP.NET System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList

The code:

<bs:DropDown ID="ddl1" runat="server" Name="Some dropdown" Message="You probably forgot to choose an item" State="Error" Size="Normal" />


Name - String - appears above the dropdown control

Message - You'll want to use it to show validation message along with the State property

State - Enum (Error/Info/Success/Warning) Bootstrap Reference

Size - Enum (Big/Normal/Small) when not set - Normal ! Bootstrap Reference


BootstrapControls.NET Button extends ASP.NET System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton

The code:

<bs:LinkButton ID="lbtn1" runat="server" Text="Submit button" Block="false" Color="Success" Outline="false" Size="Large" />


Check out Button Control as it has the same properties.


NotifyPanel control has been built from the ground up and so it does not inherit any ASP.NET Control.

The code:

<bs:NotifyPanel ID="notify1" runat="server" State="Danger" Message="Something wen wrong!" Dismissable="true" />


Message - String - You'll want to use it to show validation message along with the State property

State - Enum (Danger/Info/Success/Warning) - Bootstrap Reference

Dismissable - Boolean - Bootstrap Reference

###Pagination (hot!)

Pagination control has been built from the group up and so it does not inherit any ASP.NET Control. Bootstrap Reference

As it is the most advanced control in this collection I'll give it a little bit more attention.


BootstrapControls.NET Pagination Control lets you create a database related pagination to your web application. What makes it work is a special event OnLoadData which let's you send information to your databse how many records you want to show and what is the actual records offset.

The code:

<bs:Pagination ID="pag1" runat="server" RecordsPerQuery="5" MaxDisplayedPagerButtons="3" PaginationSide="Right" />


RecordsPerQuery - Integer - sets how many records you want to fetch from database

MaxDisplayedPagerButtons - Integer - sets how many pages to show in your pagination control

PaginationSide - Enum (Left/Right) - sets where to place the pagination control floats left or right

TotalRecords (input) - Integer - you'll set this after when receiving data from the database it is very important as it will make pagination be able to calculate pages

RecordsOffset (output) - Integer - you'll use this property when getting data from the database


LoadData (OnLoadData) - BootstrapControls.Pagination - returns BootstrapControls.Pagination pagination object as a callback. You'll use it to get and set above properties and to bind your results to a repeater

protected void pagination_LoadData(BootstrapControls.Pagination pagination)
    List<object> list = new List<object>();

    for (int i = 0; i<100; i++)
        list.Add(new { ID = i, Value = "val_" + i });

    Repeater1.DataSource = list.Skip(pagination.RecordsOffset).Take(pagination.RecordsPerQuery).ToList();

    pagination.TotalRecords = list.Count;


InitPagination - Needs to be called on the Page_Load. Must be called when there's no PostBack No more needed ! It's being automatically called on Page Load.

ResetPagination - You have to call it after changing the dataset. It will regenerate pagination buttons and set pagination to the first page. Ex. if you have some search field which is a part of database/linq query you have to call ResetPagination() on every search event.

Okay let me wrap everything up with this short tutorial



BootstrapControls.NET RadioButton extends ASP.NET System.Web.UI.WebControls.RadioButton but it has been improved to work well within repeaters (reference). Bootstrap Reference


RadioButton control is an improved ASP.NET RadioButton Control - not only it was Bootstrap'd but also it was fixed to work well with repeaters which was impossible with ASP.NET base RadioButton Control !

The code:

<bs:RadioButton ID="RadioButton1" Value="1" Text="The first" GroupName="RadioGroup" runat="server"/>
<bs:RadioButton ID="RadioButton2" Value="2" Text="The second" GroupName="RadioGroup" runat="server"/>
<bs:RadioButton ID="RadioButton3" Value="3" Text="The third" GroupName="RadioGroup" runat="server"/>
<bs:RadioButton ID="RadioButton4" Value="4" Text="The fourth" GroupName="RadioGroup" runat="server"/>


Value - String - Whatever value it is :) Can be an Eval or just a static value.

Text - String - Label for the checkbox

GroupName - String - Name for the radioButton group

GroupValue - String - Extracts value from the specified GroupName, for ex. var x = RadioButton1.GroupValue; will give you the value of a checked radio button


If you want to get a value from a radiobutton nested in a repeater you'll have to collect it from the Request Collection. I suppose it is clear for you that you can't get a value from within repeater without looping over repeater items.

Here's how to get the radio group value without looping over repeater items and getting value one-by-one

var x = Request["RadioGroup"];

This one was easy huh? :)


BootstrapControls.NET TextBox extends ASP.NET System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox

The code:

<bs:TextBox ID="tb1" runat="server" Ico="@" State="Error" Name="Some textfield" Message="You have to complete this field" Placeholder="Enter your text here ..." Size="Normal" />

Ico - String/HTML - Bootstrap Reference

State - Enum (Error/Info/Success/Warning) - Bootstrap Reference

Name - String - appears above the dropdown control

Message - String - you'll want to use it to show validation message along with the State property

Placeholder - String - HTML5 textfield placeholder

Size - Enum (Big/Normal/Small)


Apache licenced set of bootstrap controls written in C# to help ASP.NET Web Forms developers.







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