The objective of this repository is having a CaaS Containers as a Service to provide a start up application with the basic enviroment features to deploy a php service running with Nginx and PHP-FPM in a container for Laravel and another container with a MySQL database to follow the best practices on an easy scenario to understand and modify on development requirements.
The connection between container is as Host Network on eth0
, thus both containers do not share networking or bridge configuration.
As client end user both services can be accessed through localhost:${PORT}
but the connection between containers is through the ${HOSTNAME}:${PORT}
This project does not include a database service for it is intended to connect to a database instance like in a cloud database environment or similar.
To emulate a SQL database service it can be used the following MariaDB 10.11 repository:
- Built on the lightweight and secure Alpine 3.19 2024 release Linux distribution
- Multi-platform, supporting AMD4, ARMv6, ARMv7, ARM64
- Very small Docker image size (+/-40MB)
- Uses PHP 8.3 as default for the best performance, low CPU usage & memory footprint, but also can be downgraded till PHP 8.0
- Optimized for 100 concurrent users
- Optimized to only use resources when there's traffic (by using PHP-FPM's
process manager) - The services Nginx, PHP-FPM and supervisord run under a project-privileged user to make it more secure
- The logs of all the services are redirected to the output of the Docker container (visible with
docker logs -f <container name>
) - Follows the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) to make it easy to understand and adjust the image to your needs
- Services independency to connect the application to other database allocation
To use a different PHP 8 version the following Dockerfile arguments and variable has to be modified:
ENV PHP_V="php83"
Also, it has to be informed to Supervisor Config the PHP-FPM version to run.
command=php-fpm83 -F
# Install main packages and remove default server definition
RUN apk add --no-cache \
curl \
wget \
nginx \
curl \
zip \
bash \
vim \
git \
RUN set -xe \
&& apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \
libzip-dev \
freetype-dev \
icu-dev \
libmcrypt-dev \
libjpeg-turbo-dev \
libpng-dev \
libxslt-dev \
patch \
# Install PHP and its extensions packages and remove default server definition
ENV PHP_V="php83"
RUN apk add --no-cache \
${PHP_V} \
${PHP_V}-cli \
${PHP_V}-ctype \
${PHP_V}-curl \
${PHP_V}-dom \
${PHP_V}-fileinfo \
${PHP_V}-fpm \
${PHP_V}-gd \
${PHP_V}-intl \
${PHP_V}-mbstring \
${PHP_V}-opcache \
${PHP_V}-openssl \
${PHP_V}-phar \
${PHP_V}-session \
${PHP_V}-tokenizer \
${PHP_V}-soap \
${PHP_V}-xml \
${PHP_V}-xmlreader \
${PHP_V}-xmlwriter \
${PHP_V}-simplexml \
${PHP_V}-zip \
# Databases
${PHP_V}-pdo \
${PHP_V}-pdo_sqlite \
${PHP_V}-sqlite3 \
${PHP_V}-pdo_mysql \
${PHP_V}-mysqlnd \
${PHP_V}-mysqli \
${PHP_V}-pdo_pgsql \
${PHP_V}-pgsql \
${PHP_V}-mongodb \
# PHP Docker
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql gd
# PHP PECL extensions
RUN apk add \
${PHP_V}-pecl-amqp \
Directories and main files on a tree architecture description. Main /docker
directory has /nginx-php
directory separated in case of needing to be included other container service directory with its specific contents
├── docker
│ │
│ ├── nginx-php
│ │ ├── docker
│ │ │ ├── config
│ │ │ ├── .env
│ │ │ ├── docker-compose.yml
│ │ │ └── Dockerfile
│ │ │
│ │ └── Makefile
│ │
│ └── (other...)
├── resources
│ │
│ ├── database
│ │ ├── laravel-init.sql
│ │ └── laravel-backup.sql
│ │
│ ├── doc
│ │ └── (any documentary file...)
│ │
│ └── laravel
│ └── (any file or directory required for start-up or re-building the app...)
├── laravel
│ └── (application...)
├── .env
├── .env.example
└── Makefile
Makefiles are often used to automate the process of building and compiling software on Unix-based systems as Linux and macOS.
On Windows - I recommend to use Makefile:
Makefile recipies
$ make help
usage: make [target]
Makefile help shows this Makefile help message
Makefile hostname shows local machine ip
Makefile fix-permission sets project directory permission
Makefile host-check shows this project ports availability on local machine
Makefile laravel-ssh enters the application container shell
Makefile laravel-set sets the application PHP enviroment file to build the container
Makefile laravel-create creates the application PHP container from Docker image
Makefile laravel-start starts the application PHP container running
Makefile laravel-stop stops the application PHP container but data will not be destroyed
Makefile laravel-destroy removes the application PHP from Docker network destroying its data and Docker image
Makefile laravel-install installs the application pre-defined version with its dependency packages into container
Makefile laravel-update updates the application dependency packages into container
Makefile database-install installs into container database the init sql file from resources/database
Makefile database-replace replaces container database with the latest sql backup file from resources/database
Makefile database-backup creates / replace a sql backup file from container database in resources/database
Makefile repo-flush clears local git repository cache specially to update .gitignore
Makefile repo-commit echoes commit helper commands
Create a DOTENV file from .env.example and setup according to your project requirement the following variables
# Leave it empty if no need for sudo user to execute docker commands
# Container data for docker-compose.yml
PROJECT_TITLE="LARAVEL" # <- this name will be prompt for Makefile recipes
PROJECT_ABBR="laravel" # <- part of the service image tag - useful if similar services are running
# Laravel container
PROJECT_HOST="" # <- for this project is not necessary
PROJECT_PORT="8888" # <- port access container service on local machine
PROJECT_CAAS="laravel-app" # <- container as a service name to build service
PROJECT_PATH="../../../laravel" # <- path where application is binded from container to local
# Database service container
DB_CAAS="mariadb" # <- name of the database docker container service to access by ssh
DB_NAME="mariadb" # <- name of the database to copy or replace
DB_ROOT="7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943d" # <- database root password
DB_BACKUP_NAME="laravel" # <- the name of the database backup or copy file
DB_BACKUP_PATH="resources/database" # <- path where database backup or copy resides
(Database service container is explained below)
Exacute the following command to create the docker/.env file, required for building the container
$ make laravel-set
LARAVEL docker-compose.yml .env file has been set.
Checkout port availability from the set enviroment
$ make host-check
Checking configuration for LARAVEL container:
LARAVEL > port:8888 is free to use.
Checkout local machine IP to set connection between container services using the following makefile recipe if required
$ make hostname
$ make laravel-create
LARAVEL docker-compose.yml .env file has been set.
[+] Building 54.3s (26/26) FINISHED docker:default
=> [nginx-php internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 2.78kB 0.0s
=> [nginx-php internal] load metadata for 1.5s
=> [nginx-php internal] load metadata for 1.5s
=> [nginx-php internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 108B 0.0s
=> [nginx-php internal] load build context 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 8.30kB 0.0s
=> [nginx-php] FROM
=> [nginx-php] exporting to image 1.0s
=> => exporting layers 1.0s
=> => writing image sha256:3c99f91a63edd857a0eaa13503c00d500fad57cf5e29ce1d... 0.0s
=> => naming to 0.0s
[+] Running 1/2
⠴ Network laravel-app_default Created 0.4s
✔ Container laravel-app Started 0.3s
[+] Running 1/0
✔ Container laravel-app Running
If the container is built with the pre-installed application content, by browsing to localhost with the selected port configured http://localhost:8888/ will display the successfully installation welcome page.
The pre-installed application could require to update its dependencies. The following Makefile recipe will update dependencies set on composer.json
$ make laravel-update
If it is needed to build the container with other type of application configuration from base, there is a Makefile recipe to set at docker/Makefile all the commands needed for its installation.
$ make laravel-install
Docker image size
$ sudo docker images
laravel-app lara... 373f6967199b 5 minutes ago 251MB
Stats regarding the amount of disk space used by the container
$ sudo docker system df
Images 1 1 251.4MB 0B (0%)
Containers 1 1 4B 0B (0%)
Local Volumes 1 0 117.9MB 117.9MB (100%)
Build Cache 39 0 10.56kB 10.56kB
Using the following Makefile recipe stops application from running, keeping database persistance and application files binded without any loss
$ make laravel-stop
[+] Stopping 1/1
✔ Container laravel-app Stopped 0.5s
To remove application container from Docker network use the following Makefile recipe (Docker prune commands still needed to be applied manually)
$ make laravel-destroy
[+] Removing 1/0
✔ Container laravel-app Removed 0.0s
[+] Running 1/1
✔ Network laravel-app_default Removed 0.4s
Untagged: laravel-app:laravel-nginx-php
Deleted: sha256:3c99f91a63edd857a0eaa13503c00d500fad57cf5e29ce1da3210765259c35b1
Information on pruning Docker system cache
$ sudo docker system prune
Total reclaimed space: 168.4MB
Information on pruning Docker volume cache
$ sudo docker volume prune
Total reclaimed space: 0MB
There are two PHP files on resources/laravel with same structure as application to replace or add a predifined example to test the service.
It can be used an API platform service (Postman, Firefox RESTClient, etc..) or just browsing the following endpoints to check connection with Laravel.
Check-out a basic service check
GET: http://localhost:8888/api/v1/health
"status": true
Check connection to database through this endpoint. If conenction params are not set already or does not exist, endpoint response will be as follow
GET: http://localhost:8888/api/v1/health/db
"status": false,
"message": "Connect to database failed - Check connection params.",
"error": {
"errorInfo": [
"Host is unreachable"
When a proper connection is set, endpoint will response as follow
GET: http://localhost:8888/api/v1/health/db
"status": true
In case of using the repository as database service, complete the application mysql database connection params in laravel/.env file.
Use local hostname IP $ make hostname
to set DB_HOST
Migration has to be performed inside container. Access container with the following recipe:
$ make laravel-ssh
Every time the containers are built up and running it will be like start from a fresh installation.
You can continue using this repository with the pre-set database executing the command $ make database-install
Follow the next recommendations to keep development stages clear and safe.
On first installation once the app service is running with basic tables set, I suggest to make a initialization database backup manually, saving as resources/database/laravel-backup.sql but renaming as resources/database/laravel-init.sql to have that init database for any Docker compose rebuild / restart on next time.
The following three commands are very useful for Continue Development.
When the project is already in an advanced development stage, making a backup is recommended to keep lastest database registers.
$ make database-backup
DATABASE backup has been created.
If it is needed to restart the project from base installation step, you can use the init database .sql file to restart at that point in time. Although is not common to use, helps to check and test installation health.
$ make database-install
DATABASE has been installed.
This repository comes with an initialized .sql with a main database user. See .env.example
Replace the database set on container with the latest .sql backup into current development stage.
$ make database-replace
DATABASE has been replaced.
Notice that both files in resources/database/ have the name that has been set on the main
file to automate processes. -
Remember that on any change in the main
file will be required to execute the following Makefile recipe
$ make laravel-set
LARAVEL docker-compose.yml .env file has been set.
This project has not been tested on Windows OS neither I can use it to test it. So, I cannot bring much support on it.
Anyway, using this repository you will needed to find out your PC IP by login as an administrator user
to set connection between containers.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Primary Dns Suffix. . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Peer-Peer
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
Take the first ip listed. Wordpress container will connect with database container using that IP.
Find out your IP on UNIX systems and take the first IP listed
$ hostname -I