The Field Mapping Setup Tool for setting up custom and standard Salesforce SObject field mappings with providing a user-friendly interface.
See usage in the Object Conversion Tool
- The Lightning Web Component include features such as add, edit and delete field mappings, and the ability to save, load, reload and delete the mapping configurations called templates.
- It allows to select the source and target objects and fields and to traverse up to 5 levels of relationships.
<c-object-mapping-table onmappingtemplatechange={handleMappingTemplateChange}>
- title: The title of the mapping setup tool.
- target-object-api-names: The list of target (convert from) object api names to filter the selectable templates and source objects by.
- source-object-api-names: The list of source (convert to) object api names to filter the selectable templates and target objects by.
- template-select-disable: The flag to disable the template to change, clear or delete after it is loaded,only save and reload are allowed.
- hide-field-mappings: The flag to hide the field mappings and only show the template selector.
- read-only: The flag to make the field mappings read-only, and only show the template selector and field mappings.
- onmappingtemplatechange: The event handler to handle the mapping template change event.
- Returns the mapping template id, source object api name and target object api name.
this.selectedSourceObjectApiName = event.detail.sourceObjectApiName;
this.selectedTargetObjectApiName = event.detail.targetObjectApiName;
- loadMappingTemplate: Loads the mapping template by the given mapping template id.
- resetMappingTemplate: Resets the mapping template to the default state.
Provides a basic implementation for converting records using the ObjectMappingTemplate.
//Initialize the object mapping template converter and selector
ObjectMappingTemplateConverter objectMappingTemplateConverter = new ObjectMappingTemplateConverterImpl();
ObjectMappingTemplatesSelector objectMappingTemplatesSelector = new ObjectMappingTemplatesSelector();
//Get the object mapping template
Id accountToContactTemplateId = 'a007S0000068ndvQAA';
ObjectMappingTemplate accountToContactMappingTemplate =
objectMappingTemplatesSelector.getObjectMappingTemplates(new Set<Id>{accountToContactTemplateId})[0];
Id accountIdToConvert = '0017S00000JD7jBQAT';
//Convert the account to a contact
Map<Id,SObject> accountIdContactMap = objectMappingTemplateConverter
.convertRecords(new List<Id>{accountIdToConvert},accountToContactMappingTemplate);
//Get the converted contact
Contact convertedContact = (Contact) accountIdContactMap.get(accountIdToConvert);
insert convertedContact;