generate common boilerplates
boilerplate-creator is a cli tool to generate common JavaScript boilerplates which are very messy to create.
$ npm i -g boilerplate-creator
$ bpc [project name] [options]
$ bpc helloreact -t react
$ # react in typescript
$ bpc helloreactts -t react --ts
$ bpc helloriact -t riact
$ # riact in typescript
$ bpc helloriactts -t riact --ts
$ bpc hellovue -t vue
$ # vue in typescript
$ bpc hellovuets -t vue --ts
$ bpc hellonpm -t npm
$ bpc hellonpm -t npm --ts
$ bpc hellocli -t cli
$ bpc hellocli -t cli --ts
There are 8 templates(npm|npm-ts|cli|cli-ts|react|react-ts|vue|vue-ts) are supported for now, please check the help document for more information.
$ bpc --help