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ownCloud 8.0 features

Jürgen Weigert edited this page Feb 5, 2015 · 10 revisions

This collects all the new features of ownCloud 8.0. This will be used for the release announcement. Please add your features that are merged here. If they are not merged yet but you plan to before the feature freeze than add a (planned) comment to it.

Main Features

  • Favorites core/2368 (planned)
  • NG Server 2 Server sharing (planned)
  • Improved apps management page
  • Improved updater app
  • Improved search (planned)
  • Direct download support, Broker (planned)
  • More fine grain storage configuration (planned)
  • Provisioning API will be released as part of the community edition
  • Apps can now specify their dependencies in info.xml - see

Minor Features

  • Accessibility improvements (planned)
  • Improved Documents
  • LDAP/AD: command line functions for creating and deleting LDAP configurations.
  • LDAP/AD: subtle configuration wizard improvements, including user name attribute detection.
  • PDF viewer has been updated to a new version of PDF.js
  • Sharing links are now shorter and "look better"
  • Usermanagement improvements
  • Better structured settings and admin page
  • Performance improvements
  • App container can now automatically resolve dependencies
  • Various app API deprecations and features
  • Improved import for contacts
  • App development tutorial for building a notes app

Incompatible Changes

  • PHP 5.3 no longer works with ownCloud 8.0 -- PHP 5.4 or later is required.


  • Dec 31th Feature freeze. All new features have to be merged by then. Please submit your pull requests as soon as possible so that the reviewers have time to review and to give you feedback. If you are working on bigger features please inform Frank as soon as possible.
  • Jan 1th Release ownCloud 8.0 alpha 1
  • Jan 11th Release ownCloud 8.0 alpha 2
  • Jan 18th Release ownCloud 8.0 beta 1 Only important bugfixes are allowed from now on.
  • Jan 26th Release ownCloud 8.0 beta 2 Only important bugfixes are allowed from now on.
  • Jan 28th Release ownCloud 8.0 RC 1 Only showstopper bugfixes are allowed from now on. stable8 branches are created.
  • Feb 6th Final packages
  • Feb 9th Announcement and public availability