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The spoonacular Nutrition, Recipe, and Food API allows you to access over 360,000 recipes and 80,000 food products.


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The spoonacular Nutrition, Recipe, and Food API allows you to access over 360,000 recipes and 80,000 food products.


Via Composer

$ composer require pxgamer/spoonacularapi


You need the following information for initializing the API client.

Parameter Description
xMashapeKey The Mashape application you want to use for this session.

API client can be initialized as following.

// Configuration parameters
$xMashapeKey = "xMashapeKey"; // The Mashape application you want to use for this session.

$client = new SpoonacularAPIClient($xMashapeKey);

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the APIController class can be accessed from the API Client.

$client = $client->getClient();


Tags: Skips Authentication

Get information about a packaged food product.

function getProductInformation($id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required DefaultValue The id of the packaged food product.

Example Usage

$id = 22347;

$result = $client->getProductInformation($id);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Find recipes which are similar to the given one.

function findSimilarRecipes($id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required DefaultValue The id of the source recipe to which similar recipes should be found.

Example Usage

$id = 156992;

$result = $client->findSimilarRecipes($id);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Autocomplete a search for an ingredient.

function getAutocompleteIngredientSearch($query)


Parameter Tags Description
query Required DefaultValue The query - a partial or full ingredient name.

Example Usage

$query = 'appl';

$result = $client->getAutocompleteIngredientSearch($query);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Visualize the price breakdown of a recipe.

function createVisualizePriceBreakdown(
        $defaultCss = 'checked',
        $mode = 1,
        $fieldParameters = NULL)


Parameter Tags Description
ingredientList Required DefaultValue The ingredient list of the recipe, one ingredient per line.
servings Required DefaultValue The number of servings.
defaultCss Optional DefaultValue Whether the widget should be styled with the default css.
mode Optional DefaultValue The mode in which the widget should be delivered. 1 = separate views (compact), 2 = all in one view (full).
fieldParameters Optional Additional optional form parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

$ingredientList = '3 oz flour';
$servings = 2;
$defaultCss = 'checked';
$mode = 1;
// key-value map for optional form parameters
$formParams = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $client->createVisualizePriceBreakdown($ingredientList, $servings, $defaultCss, $mode, $formParams);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Visualize a recipe's nutritional information.

function createVisualizeNutrition(
        $defaultCss = 'checked',
        $fieldParameters = NULL)


Parameter Tags Description
ingredientList Required DefaultValue The ingredient list of the recipe, one ingredient per line.
servings Required DefaultValue The number of servings.
defaultCss Optional DefaultValue Whether the ingredient list should be styled with the default css.
fieldParameters Optional Additional optional form parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

$ingredientList = '3 oz flour';
$servings = 2;
$defaultCss = 'checked';
// key-value map for optional form parameters
$formParams = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $client->createVisualizeNutrition($ingredientList, $servings, $defaultCss, $formParams);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Visualize ingredients of a recipe.

function createVisualizeIngredients(
        $defaultCss = 'checked',
        $measure = 'metric',
        $view = 'grid',
        $fieldParameters = NULL)


Parameter Tags Description
ingredientList Required DefaultValue The ingredient list of the recipe, one ingredient per line.
servings Required DefaultValue The initial number of servings.
defaultCss Optional DefaultValue Whether the ingredient list should be styled with the default css.
measure Optional DefaultValue The initial measure, either "metric" or "us".
view Optional DefaultValue The initial view, either "grid" or "list".
fieldParameters Optional Additional optional form parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

$ingredientList = '3 oz flour';
$servings = 2;
$defaultCss = 'checked';
$measure = 'metric';
$view = 'grid';
// key-value map for optional form parameters
$formParams = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $client->createVisualizeIngredients($ingredientList, $servings, $defaultCss, $measure, $view, $formParams);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Summarize the recipe in a short text.

function getSummarizeRecipe($id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required DefaultValue The id of the recipe that should be summarized.

Example Usage

$id = 4632;

$result = $client->getSummarizeRecipe($id);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Search packaged food products like frozen pizza and snickers bars.

function searchGroceryProducts(
        $number = 10,
        $offset = 0,
        $queryParameters = NULL)


Parameter Tags Description
query Required DefaultValue The search query.
number Optional DefaultValue The number of results to retrieve, defaults to 10.
offset Optional DefaultValue The number of results to skip, defaults to 0.
queryParameters Optional Additional optional query parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

$query = 'snickers';
$number = 10;
$offset = 0;
// key-value map for optional query parameters
$queryParams = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $client->searchGroceryProducts($query, $number, $offset, $queryParams);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Answer a nutrition related natural language question.

function getQuickAnswer($q)


Parameter Tags Description
q Required DefaultValue The nutrition-related question.

Example Usage

$q = 'How much vitamin c is in 2 apples?';

$result = $client->getQuickAnswer($q);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Get information about a recipe.

function getRecipeInformation($id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required DefaultValue The id of the recipe.

Example Usage

$id = 156992;

$result = $client->getRecipeInformation($id);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Extract an ingredient from plain text.

function createParseIngredients(


Parameter Tags Description
ingredientList Required DefaultValue The ingredient list of the recipe, one ingredient per line.
servings Required DefaultValue The number of servings that you can make from the ingredients.

Example Usage

$ingredientList = '3 oz pork shoulder';
$servings = 2;

$result = $client->createParseIngredients($ingredientList, $servings);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Map ingredients to food products.

function createMapIngredients(


Parameter Tags Description
ingredientList Required DefaultValue A new line-separated list of ingredients.
servings Required DefaultValue The number of servings this recipe makes.

Example Usage

$ingredientList = '200g flour\\n3 eggs';
$servings = 1;

$result = $client->createMapIngredients($ingredientList, $servings);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Extract recipe data from a recipe blog or Web page.

function getExtractRecipeFromWebsite(
        $forceExtraction = false,
        $queryParameters = NULL)


Parameter Tags Description
url Required DefaultValue The URL of the recipe page.
forceExtraction Optional DefaultValue If true, the extraction will be triggered no matter whether we know the recipe already. Use that only if information is missing as this operation is slower.
queryParameters Optional Additional optional query parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

$url = '';
$forceExtraction = false;
// key-value map for optional query parameters
$queryParams = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $client->getExtractRecipeFromWebsite($url, $forceExtraction, $queryParams);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Compute a meal plan for a day.

function getComputeDailyMealPlan(


Parameter Tags Description
targetCalories Required DefaultValue The target number of calories per day.
timeFrame Required DefaultValue For one day or a complete week, allowed values are "day" and "week".

Example Usage

$targetCalories = 2000;
$timeFrame = 'day';

$result = $client->getComputeDailyMealPlan($targetCalories, $timeFrame);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Given a set of product jsons, get back classified products.

function createClassifyGroceryProductsBatch($productJsonArray)


Parameter Tags Description
productJsonArray Required Collection A JSON Array of products.

Example Usage

$productjsonarray = new Productjsonarray();
$productJsonArray = array($productjsonarray);

$result = $client->createClassifyGroceryProductsBatch($productJsonArray);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Classify the recipe's cuisine.

function createClassifyCuisine(


Parameter Tags Description
ingredientList Required DefaultValue The ingredient list of the recipe, one ingredient per line.
title Required DefaultValue The title of the recipe.

Example Usage

$ingredientList = '3 oz pork shoulder';
$title = 'Pork roast with green beans';

$result = $client->createClassifyCuisine($ingredientList, $title);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Given a grocery product title, this endpoint allows you to detect what basic ingredient it is.

function createClassifyAGroceryProduct($productJson)


Parameter Tags Description
productJson Required The json representation of a product.

Example Usage

$productJson = new Productjson();

$result = $client->createClassifyAGroceryProduct($productJson);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Search recipes in natural language.

function searchRecipes(
        $cuisine = 'italian',
        $diet = 'vegetarian',
        $excludeIngredients = 'coconut',
        $intolerances = 'egg, gluten',
        $limitLicense = false,
        $number = 10,
        $offset = 0,
        $type = 'main course',
        $queryParameters = NULL)


Parameter Tags Description
query Required DefaultValue The (natural language) recipe search query.
cuisine Optional DefaultValue The cuisine(s) of the recipes. One or more (comma separated) of the following: african, chinese, japanese, korean, vietnamese, thai, indian, british, irish, french, italian, mexican, spanish, middle eastern, jewish, american, cajun, southern, greek, german, nordic, eastern european, caribbean, or latin american.
diet Optional DefaultValue The diet to which the recipes must be compliant. Possible values are: pescetarian, lacto vegetarian, ovo vegetarian, vegan, and vegetarian.
excludeIngredients Optional DefaultValue An comma-separated list of ingredients or ingredient types that must not be contained in the recipes.
intolerances Optional DefaultValue A comma-separated list of intolerances. All found recipes must not have ingredients that could cause problems for people with one of the given tolerances. Possible values are: dairy, egg, gluten, peanut, sesame, seafood, shellfish, soy, sulfite, tree nut, and wheat.
limitLicense Optional DefaultValue Whether the recipes should have an open license that allows for displaying with proper attribution.
number Optional DefaultValue The number of results to return (between 0 and 100).
offset Optional DefaultValue The number of results to skip (between 0 and 900).
type Optional DefaultValue The type of the recipes. One of the following: main course, side dish, dessert, appetizer, salad, bread, breakfast, soup, beverage, sauce, or drink.
queryParameters Optional Additional optional query parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

$query = 'burger';
$cuisine = 'italian';
$diet = 'vegetarian';
$excludeIngredients = 'coconut';
$intolerances = 'egg, gluten';
$limitLicense = false;
$number = 10;
$offset = 0;
$type = 'main course';
// key-value map for optional query parameters
$queryParams = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $client->searchRecipes($query, $cuisine, $diet, $excludeIngredients, $intolerances, $limitLicense, $number, $offset, $type, $queryParams);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a set of recipes that adhere to the given nutrient limits. All the found recipes will have macro nutrients within the calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrate limits.

function findByNutrients(
        $maxcalories = 1500,
        $maxcarbs = 100,
        $maxfat = 100,
        $maxprotein = 100,
        $mincalories = 0,
        $minCarbs = 0,
        $minfat = 0,
        $minProtein = 0,
        $queryParameters = NULL)


Parameter Tags Description
maxcalories Optional DefaultValue The maximum number of calories the recipe can have.
maxcarbs Optional DefaultValue The maximum number of carbohydrates in grams the recipe can have.
maxfat Optional DefaultValue The maximum number of fat in grams the recipe can have.
maxprotein Optional DefaultValue The maximum number of protein in grams the recipe can have.
mincalories Optional DefaultValue The minimum number of calories the recipe must have.
minCarbs Optional DefaultValue The minimum number of carbohydrates in grams the recipe must have.
minfat Optional DefaultValue The minimum number of fat in grams the recipe must have.
minProtein Optional DefaultValue The minimum number of protein in grams the recipe must have.
queryParameters Optional Additional optional query parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

$maxcalories = 1500;
$maxcarbs = 100;
$maxfat = 100;
$maxprotein = 100;
$mincalories = 0;
$minCarbs = 0;
$minfat = 0;
$minProtein = 0;
// key-value map for optional query parameters
$queryParams = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $client->findByNutrients($maxcalories, $maxcarbs, $maxfat, $maxprotein, $mincalories, $minCarbs, $minfat, $minProtein, $queryParams);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Find recipes that use as many of the given ingredients as possible and have as little as possible missing ingredients. This is a whats in your fridge API endpoint.

function findByIngredients(
        $limitLicense = false,
        $number = 5,
        $ranking = 1,
        $queryParameters = NULL)


Parameter Tags Description
ingredients Required DefaultValue A comma-separated list of ingredients that the recipes should contain.
limitLicense Optional DefaultValue Whether to only show recipes with an attribution license.
number Optional DefaultValue The maximal number of recipes to return (default = 5).
ranking Optional DefaultValue Whether to maximize used ingredients (1) or minimize missing ingredients (2) first.
queryParameters Optional Additional optional query parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

$ingredients = 'apples,flour,sugar';
$limitLicense = false;
$number = 5;
$ranking = 1;
// key-value map for optional query parameters
$queryParams = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $client->findByIngredients($ingredients, $limitLicense, $number, $ranking, $queryParams);


Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a recipe card given a recipe.

function createRecipeCard(
        $author = 'Emily Henderson',
        $backgroundColor = '#ffffff',
        $fontColor = '#333333',
        $source = '',
        $fieldParameters = NULL)


Parameter Tags Description
backgroundImage Required DefaultValue The background image ("none","background1", or "background2").
image Required DefaultValue The binary image of the recipe as jpg.
ingredients Required DefaultValue The ingredient list of the recipe, one ingredient per line.
instructions Required DefaultValue The instructions to make the recipe. One step per line.
mask Required DefaultValue The mask to put over the recipe image ("ellipseMask", "diamondMask", "diamondMask", "starMask", "heartMask", "potMask", "fishMask").
readyInMinutes Required DefaultValue The number of minutes it takes to get the recipe on the table.
servings Required DefaultValue The number of servings that you can make from the ingredients.
title Required DefaultValue The title of the recipe.
author Optional DefaultValue The author of the recipe.
backgroundColor Optional DefaultValue The background color on the recipe card as a hex-string.
fontColor Optional DefaultValue The font color on the recipe card as a hex-string.
source Optional DefaultValue The source of the recipe.
fieldParameters Optional Additional optional form parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

$backgroundImage = 'background1';
$image = The image.;
$ingredients = '2 cups of green beans';
$instructions = 'cook the beans';
$mask = 'ellipseMask';
$readyInMinutes = 60;
$servings = 2;
$title = 'Pork tenderloin with green beans';
$author = 'Emily Henderson';
$backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
$fontColor = '#333333';
$source = '';
// key-value map for optional form parameters
$formParams = array('key' => 'value');

$result = $client->createRecipeCard($backgroundImage, $image, $ingredients, $instructions, $mask, $readyInMinutes, $servings, $title, $author, $backgroundColor, $fontColor, $source, $formParams);

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


The spoonacular Nutrition, Recipe, and Food API allows you to access over 360,000 recipes and 80,000 food products.




Code of conduct





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