Webpack: Build Performance
Webpack docs on ways to speed up builds. -
How to make your webpack builds 10x faster
Slideshow that lists a number of approaches for making Webpack builds faster, such as narrowing scope, using the DllPlugin, using HappyPack for parallel builds, and more. -
Advanced Frontend Optimization with Webpack
Slides by Sokra describing ways to improve Webpack builds. -
React-Router and Webpack in Production
Tips on dynamically loading route views and optimizing chunk sizes -
Fixing annoying imports in React Projects
A quick example of using Webpack's module aliasing to simplify import paths, with further discussion in the comments. -
Webpack Plugins we been keeping on the DLL
An overview of Webpack's DllPlugin, and how it can be used for faster dev builds. -
Webpack Async Bundle Loading
A quick look at how to delay-load some portion of your app's code. -
DllPlugin usage summary
erikras/react-redux-universal-hot-example#616 (comment)
Notes from a user who wants to document his findings on usage of DllPlugin. Pretty thorough. -
Implement Webpack DLL Plugin for React-Boilerplate
A PR adding usage of DllPlugin to React-Boilerplate. Thorough and well-commented - should be a very useful reference to anyone trying to set it up in their own project. -
Optimizing Webpack
Explains how to use DllPlugin to pre-bundle vendor libraries for faster build times. -
Manually Tuning Webpack Builds
Tips for cutting down bundle sizes by removing duplicate library instances and fine-tuning usage of various libraries. -
Chat discussion - summary of process.env.NODE_ENV and its use with Webpack
An overview of how theprocess.env.NODE_ENV
variable is often used to define optimizations for Webpack production builds -
Tips for faster Webpack builds
A Reddit comment with several useful tips to follow when trying to speed up builds -
Formidable Playbook
Formidable Labs describes their preferred approaches for configuring Webpack, including optimization approaches. -
Code Chunking with Webpack
Covers how to configure chunked bundles and dynamic bundle loading with Webpack and React-Router. -
Lazily Load Code Declaratively in React and Webpack
Demonstrates one way to request and render components on demand, using Webpack's bundle-loader -
Webpack Bloat
Discussion of how to improve production configurations for smaller bundle sizes
Webpack and Hot Module Replacement
A great in-depth walkthrough of how HMR works -
Webpack's HMR and React Hot-Loader - The Missing Manual
Demonstrates three ways to enable HMR, and usage with three different React application scenarios -
Hot Reloading in React
Dan Abramov walks through the history of his React Hot Loader and React Transform tools, describes their implementation, flaws, and weaknesses, and looks at a potential solution (later implemented in React Hot Loader 3.0). -
HMR Tutorial Series
A very readable and informative series of articles on using HMR. -
Live Editing Javascript with Webpack
Some interesting and advanced tricks for ways HMR could be used. -
Using React with "plain" Webpack HMR
Dan Abramov removes use of the React-Transform plugin from Redux's examples, and demonstrates how to use the "plain" Webpack HMR API to do reloading of updated components, reducers, and other code. -
Basic HMR Usage Example
An extracted example demonstrating using "plain" HMR to reload components, reducers, and even sagas.
Course: Using Webpack for Production Javascript Apps
A video course by Kent C. Dodds, covering a number of very useful Webpack techniques for real-world apps. Requires an Egghead subscription, but solid and useful info. -
Javascript at Tumblr - Switching to Webpack
Tumblr's dev team talks about switching from Browserify to Webpack, their migration steps, and some useful tips learned about pieces like CommonsChunkPlugin. -
Webpack HTML plugin in a Nutshell
Looks at what the HTML Webpack plugin can do and how to use it. -
Truly Multiple Entries with Webpack
Instructions on how to configure multiple entry points properly -
Long-term caching of static assets with Webpack
https://medium.com/@okonetchnikov/long-term-caching-of-static-assets-with-webpack-1ecb139adb95 Gathers documentation on proper use of asset caching into one article to act as a complete guide. -
Goodbye "../../../"
Tips and discussion on removing relative paths when importing -
Using the HTML Webpack Plugin for generating HTML files
Basic instructions for setting up the HTML Webpack plugin -
Setting up CSS Modules with React and Webpack
Covers setting up and configuring Webpack to use CSS Modules for styling -
Webpack Map Entity Loader
A small example of writing a custom Webpack loader for game data