'Openpose' for human pose estimation have been implemented using Tensorflow. It also provides several variants that have made some changes to the network structure for real-time processing on the CPU or low-power embedded devices.
- Add support for using pretrained model : mobilenet_V2, VGG16x4 (pruned VGG16 model, 4 times faster)
- trainging with multi-scale loss
- more mobilenet networks config
- bug fix in the original repo
- evalution script on validation dataset (support evaluation of both tf and caffe model)
- tensorrt support
python3 src/inference_cmupose.py --input-width=656
python3 src/inference.py --input-width=656
python3 src/tensorrt_inference.py --graph=yourgraph.opt.pb --engine=yourmodel.engine
python3 src/run_webcam.py --use_tensorrt=1