Frontend application based on React and node.js.
- View the app in Heroku
Note: This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- yarn (a package manager)
yarn install
yarn start
- axios (Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.)
- Rendering/UI
- classnames (A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together)
- lodash (utility library, used mostly for debounce and sample)
- moment-timezone (Parse and display dates in any timezone)
- react-moment (Moment's date library)
- react-google-maps (Google Maps integration component)
- Styling
- fontawesome-free (Font awesome, icons use)
- node-sass (sass stylesheet preprocessor)
- State management
- react-redux (manage appication's state using a predictable state container, also using redux)
- redux-form (maintaining form's state)
- redux-thunk (Thunk middleware for Redux)
No tests