It is a Flask & Jinja2-based webApp for LERG files (some special CSV files) uploading by admin and downloading these files by customers via API.
As though only admins will log in to this app the register link and register endpoint disabled. Admin login&password: admin:adminadmin
Used technologies:
- Python & Flask & Jinja2
- Testing: pytest, factory-boy, and WebTest
- Assets management: NPM & Webpack
- Travis CI
First, set your app's secret key as an environment variable. For example, example add the following to .bashrc
or .bash_profile
export LERG_FILES_UPLOAD_SECRET='something-really-secret'
In your production environment, make sure the LERG_FILES_UPLOAD_ENV
environment variable is set to "prod"
Then run the following commands to bootstrap your environment.
git clone
cd LERGFilesUpload
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
npm install
npm run webpack:deploy
Migrate your database and run python server
Whenever a database migration needs to be made (for example, once you have installed your DBMS). Run the following commands:
python db init
python db migrate
This will generate a new migration script. Then run python db upgrade
to apply the migration.
For a full migration command reference, run python db --help
To upload a file press "Choose File" button, choose file and press "Open" button. File will be uploaded and appears in Operation Log.
To download log press "Log Download" button
To open the interactive shell, run python shell
By default, you will have access to app
, db
, and the User
To run all tests, run
python test