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Tips on Kubernetes cluster management using kubectl command. A goal of this repository is to allow you reversely lookup kubectl commands from what you want to do around kubernetes cluster management.

Print the supported API resources

kubectl api-resources
kubectl api-resources -o wide
sample output

NAME                              SHORTNAMES         APIGROUP                       NAMESPACED   KIND
bindings                                                                            true         Binding
componentstatuses                 cs                                                false        ComponentStatus
configmaps                        cm                                                true         ConfigMap
endpoints                         ep                                                true         Endpoints
events                            ev                                                true         Event
limitranges                       limits                                            true         LimitRange
namespaces                        ns                                                false        Namespace
nodes                             no                                                false        Node
persistentvolumeclaims            pvc                                               true         PersistentVolumeClaim
persistentvolumes                 pv                                                false        PersistentVolume
pods                              po                                                true         Pod
podtemplates                                                                        true         PodTemplate
replicationcontrollers            rc                                                true         ReplicationController
resourcequotas                    quota                                             true         ResourceQuota
secrets                                                                             true         Secret
serviceaccounts                   sa                                                true         ServiceAccount
services                          svc                                               true         Service
mutatingwebhookconfigurations                 false        MutatingWebhookConfiguration
validatingwebhookconfigurations               false        ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
customresourcedefinitions         crd,crds            false        CustomResourceDefinition
apiservices                                         false        APIService
controllerrevisions                                  apps                           true         ControllerRevision
daemonsets                        ds                 apps                           true         DaemonSet
deployments                       deploy             apps                           true         Deployment
replicasets                       rs                 apps                           true         ReplicaSet
statefulsets                      sts                apps                           true         StatefulSet
applications                      app,apps                     true         Application
appprojects                       appproj,appprojs                    true         AppProject
tokenreviews                                         false        TokenReview
localsubjectaccessreviews                             true         LocalSubjectAccessReview
selfsubjectaccessreviews                              false        SelfSubjectAccessReview
selfsubjectrulesreviews                               false        SelfSubjectRulesReview
subjectaccessreviews                                  false        SubjectAccessReview
horizontalpodautoscalers          hpa                autoscaling                    true         HorizontalPodAutoscaler
cronjobs                          cj                 batch                          true         CronJob
jobs                                                 batch                          true         Job
certificatesigningrequests        csr                  false        CertificateSigningRequest
leases                                                 true         Lease
eniconfigs                                           false        ENIConfig
events                            ev                         true         Event
daemonsets                        ds                 extensions                     true         DaemonSet
deployments                       deploy             extensions                     true         Deployment
ingresses                         ing                extensions                     true         Ingress
networkpolicies                   netpol             extensions                     true         NetworkPolicy
podsecuritypolicies               psp                extensions                     false        PodSecurityPolicy
replicasets                       rs                 extensions                     true         ReplicaSet
networkpolicies                   netpol                 true         NetworkPolicy
poddisruptionbudgets              pdb                policy                         true         PodDisruptionBudget
podsecuritypolicies               psp                policy                         false        PodSecurityPolicy
clusterrolebindings                              false        ClusterRoleBinding
clusterroles                                     false        ClusterRole
rolebindings                                     true         RoleBinding
roles                                            true         Role
priorityclasses                   pc                     false        PriorityClass
storageclasses                    sc                        false        StorageClass
volumeattachments                                           false        VolumeAttachment

Print the available API versions

kubectl get apiservices
sample output

NAME                                   SERVICE   AVAILABLE   AGE
v1.                                    Local     True        97d
v1.apps                                Local     True        97d               Local     True        97d                Local     True        97d
v1.autoscaling                         Local     True        97d
v1.batch                               Local     True        97d                   Local     True        97d           Local     True        97d                      Local     True        97d                   Local     True        4d         Local     True        6d   Local     True        97d           Local     True        97d
v1beta1.apps                           Local     True        97d          Local     True        97d           Local     True        97d
v1beta1.batch                          Local     True        97d            Local     True        97d            Local     True        97d                  Local     True        97d
v1beta1.extensions                     Local     True        97d
v1beta1.policy                         Local     True        97d      Local     True        97d              Local     True        97d                 Local     True        97d
v1beta2.apps                           Local     True        97d
v2beta1.autoscaling                    Local     True        97d
v2beta2.autoscaling                    Local     True        97d

Display Resource (CPU/Memory) usage of nodes/pods

Display Resource (CPU/Memory) usage of nodes

kubectl top node
sample output

NAME                          CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
aks-node-28537427-0           281m         1%     10989Mi         39%
aks-node-28537427-1           123m         0%     6795Mi          24%
aks-node-28537427-2           234m         1%     7963Mi          28%

Display Resource (CPU/Memory) usage of pods

kubectl top po -A
kubectl top po --all-namespaces
sample output

NAMESPACE                   NAME                                           CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
dd-agent                    dd-agent-2nffb                                 55m          235Mi
dd-agent                    dd-agent-kkxsq                                 26m          208Mi
dd-agent                    dd-agent-srnlt                                 29m          210Mi
kube-system                 azure-cni-networkmonitor-5k7ws                 1m           22Mi
kube-system                 azure-cni-networkmonitor-72sxx                 1m           20Mi
kube-system                 azure-cni-networkmonitor-wxqvm                 1m           22Mi
kube-system                 azure-ip-masq-agent-gft8h                      1m           11Mi
kube-system                 azure-ip-masq-agent-tc8jc                      1m           10Mi
kube-system                 azure-ip-masq-agent-v54pm                      1m           11Mi
kube-system                 coredns-6cb457974f-kth9q                       4m           25Mi
kube-system                 coredns-6cb457974f-m9lth                       4m           24Mi
kube-system                 coredns-autoscaler-66cdbfb8fc-9kklp            1m           11Mi
kube-system                 kube-proxy-b4x7q                               5m           47Mi
kube-system                 kube-proxy-gm8df                               6m           49Mi
kube-system                 kube-proxy-vsgbs                               5m           50Mi
kube-system                 kubernetes-dashboard-686c6f85dc-n5xgg          1m           19Mi
kube-system                 metrics-server-5b9794db67-5rs25                1m           18Mi
kube-system                 tunnelfront-f586b8b5c-lrfkm                    68m          52Mi
custom-app-00-dev1          custom-app-deployment-5db9d949dd-fnrqd         2m           1563Mi
custom-app-00-dev2          custom-app-deployment-c67497d95-rtggx          2m           1577Mi
custom-app-00-dev3          custom-app-deployment-958c59798-6vvwj          2m           1581Mi
custom-app-00-dev4          custom-app-deployment-5c7797bc85-mlppp         2m           1585Mi
custom-app-00-dev5          custom-app-deployment-bfd4596dd-d5q76          2m           1603Mi
custom-app-00-dev6          custom-app-deployment-6f9f56ffc6-tpngg         2m           1600Mi
custom-app-00-dev7          custom-app-deployment-7c6896ff98-4pmln         2m           1573Mi

Deploy and rollback app using kubectl

kubectl run nginx --image nginx
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port=80 --restart=Never
kubectl expose deployment nginx --external-ip="" --port=8000 --target-port=80
kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment nginx
kubectl set image deployment nginx nginx=nginx:1.8
kubectl rollout status deploy nginx
kubectl set image deployment nginx nginx=nginx:1.9
kubectl rollout status deploy nginx
kubectl rollout history deploy nginx

Let's check rollout history

kubectl rollout history deploy nginx

1         <none>
2         <none>
3         <none>

You can undo the rollout of nginx deploy like this:

kubectl rollout undo deploy nginx
kubectl describe deploy nginx |grep Image
    Image:        nginx:1.8

More specifically you can undo the rollout with --to-revision option

kubectl rollout undo deploy nginx --to-revision=1
kubectl describe deploy nginx |grep Image
    Image:        nginx

Get all endpoints in the cluster

kubectl get endpoints [-A|-n <namespace>]
kubectl get ep [-A|-n <namespace>]

Execute shell commands inside the cluster

You can exec shell commands in a new creating Pod

kubectl run busybox --restart=Never -it --image=busybox --rm /bin/sh

You can also exec shell commands in existing Pod

kubectl exec -n <namespace> -it <pod-name> -- /bin/sh
kubectl exec -n <namespace> -it <pod-name> -c <container-name> -- /bin/sh

You can change kind of the resource you're creating with option in kubectl run

Kind Option
deployment node
pod --restart=Never
job --restart=OnFailure
cronjob --schedule='cron format(0/5 * * * ?'

Port forward a local port to a port on k8s resources

# kubectl port-forward -n <namespace> <resource> LocalPort:TargetPort
kubectl port-forward -n <namespace> redis-master-765d459796-258hz 7000:6379
kubectl port-forward -n <namespace> pods/redis-master-765d459796-258hz 7000:6379
kubectl port-forward -n <namespace> deployment/redis-master 7000:6379
kubectl port-forward -n <namespace> rs/redis-master 7000:6379
kubectl port-forward -n <namespace> svc/redis-master 7000:6379

See also this for more detail

Change the service type to LoadBalancer by patching

# kubectl patch svc SERVICE_NAME -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'

Delete Kubernetes Resources

# Delete resources that has name=<label> label
kubectl delete svc,cm,secrets,deploy -l name=<label> -n <namespace>
# Delete all resources
kubectl delete svc,cm,secrets,deploy --all -n <namespace>

# Delete pods in namespace <namespace>
for pod in $(kubectl get po -n <namespace> --no-headers=true | cut -d ' ' -f 1); do
  kubectl delete pod $pod -n <namespace>

# Delete pods with --grace-period=0 and --force option
#    Add --grace-period=0 in order to delete pod as quickly as possible
#    Add --force in case that pod stay terminating state and cannnot be deleted
kubectl delete pod <pod> -n <namespace> --grace-period=0 --force

Delete a worker node in the cluster

A point is to cordon a node at first, then to evict pods in the node with drain.

kubectl get nodes  # to get nodename to delete
kubectl cordon <node-name>
kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets <node-name>
kubectl delete node <node-name>

[NOTE] Add --ignore-daemonsets if you want to ignore DaemonSet for eviction

Evicted all pods in a node for investigation

A point is to cordon a node at first, then to evict pods in the node with drain, to uncordon after the investigation

kubectl get nodes  # to get nodename to delete
kubectl cordon <node-name>
kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets <node-name>

Now that you evicted all pods in the node, you can do investigation in the node. After the investigation, you can uncordon the node with the following command.

kubectl uncordon <node-name>

[NOTE] Add --ignore-daemonsets if you want to ignore DaemonSet for eviction