Adds SAML-security module for the servlet. Out of the box authenticates against if SAML is enabled.
Registering Oskari as Service Provider to an Identity provider:
- define configuration in (at least 'oskari.saml.sp.entityId'). Example properties below.
- Provide the IDP metadata in location referenced by 'oskari.saml.idp.metadata' property
- deploy the webapp and call /saml/metadata URL to get the SP metadata XML
- Register Oskari as Service provider by providing the SP metadata XML to your IDP
To map roles based on IDP user data you can configure:
oskari.saml.mapper.role.Admin=Sami, Matti
SimpleAttributeRoleMapper is provided as an example and can be used to map roles based on attribute values. The above means that:
- a role named 'User' will be mapped to all users (* has special handling and means any value)
- a role named 'Admin' will be mapped to users where attribute 'FirstName' has value of 'Sami' or 'Matti'
Known issues:
- default logged in user role is mapped to users added with SAML authentication. To parse roles based on SAML response a hook is available (see above).
- Single IDP is supported (there might be an issue of duplicates if different users share an ID on separate IDPs)
- Tests missing
Additional properties for configuration for SAML login (no additional configuration is needed for DB login):
# Login profiles/configurations
# Comma-separated list of spring profiles to use
# Basic auth profile is 'LoginDatabase' which uses database tables to authenticate.
# To disable login option remove it from 'oskari.profiles'
oskari.profiles=LoginSAML, LoginDatabase
# SAML requires additional configuration:
# location of IDP metadata (default downloaded from
# URL or location in classpath
# Optional config. Baseurl is constructed from 'oskari.domain' + '' if not defined.
# If 'oskari.domain' is you might want to define the base url as + '' property value
# entity id that will identify our application to the IDP
# When working on default ports and using load-balancer, comment out this property
# Otherwise you will get errors like: SAML endpoint doesn't match
# mapping from SAML attributes
oskari.saml.credential.firstname = FirstName
oskari.saml.credential.lastname = LastName = EmailAddress
# optional property for custom SAMLCredential to Oskari User mapping hook
#oskari.saml.mapper=[fqcn for class implementing OskariUserMapper]
# optional property to tell which attribute should be used as unique id (defaults to nameId on non-transient nameId and email when nameId is transient)
# project includes a dummy keystore, but you should use your own
# Commands used to generate the dummy keystore:
# * Generate new keystore: keytool -genkey -alias oskari -keyalg RSA -keystore oskariSAML.jks -keysize 2048
# * Add key to keystore: keytool -genkeypair -alias oskariKey -keypass oskariPass -keystore oskariSAML.jks
# classpath location and credentials of keystore
# passwords for keys if not same as storepass. Format: 'oskari.keystore.saml.key.[key]=[password]'
# oskari.keystore.saml.key.oskariKey=oskariPass