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Rules for conversion between GAP and Julia objects

Max Horn edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

Rules for conversion between GAP and Julia objects

Note: I hope this can eventually be turned into a section of the GAPJulia manual

This document describes the data conversions implemented by GAPJulia, as well as the underlying principles guiding this.

Data conversion is a delicate matter. On the one hand, it seems crucial for any interface between any two systems (but note that this is in fact often not quite true, more on that later). It is also highly useful for interactive experiments with the interface, and can be quite useful for automated regression tests. On the other hand, conversions can add a major overhead, both in terms of extra CPU usage as well as extra storage requirements.

As a consequence, an otherwise well-written interface can be rendered effectively unusable by insisting on performing costly data conversions on any invocations; but equally so by not providing any needed conversions. The guiding principles we describe next are meant to help us steer away of these pitfalls.

Guiding principles

1. Avoid conversions, use wrapper objects instead.

Naively, one may think that in order to use GAPJulia from e.g. GAP, one has to convert all data to a format usable by Julia, then call Julia functions on that data, and finally convert it back; rinse and repeat. While this is certainly sometimes so, in many cases, things are a bit different: Some initial (usually very small) data may need to be converted. But afterwards, the output of one Julia function is used as input of the next, and so on. Converting the data to GAP format and back then is needlessly wasteful. It is much better to not perform any conversion here. Instead, we create special "wrapper" objects on the GAP side, which wraps a given Julia object without converting it. This operation is thus very cheap, both in terms of performance and in memory usage. Such a wrapped object can then be transparently used as input for Julia functions.

On the GAP C kernel level, the internal functions used for this are NewJuliaObj, IS_JULIA_OBJ, GET_JULIA_OBJ. On the GAP language level, this is IsJuliaObject. On the Julia side, there is usually no need for a wrapper, as (thanks to the shared garbage collector), as most GAP objects are valid Julia objects of type Main.ForeignGAP.MPtr. The exception to that rule are immediate GAP objects, more on that in the next section.

2. Perform automatic conversions only if absolutely necessary; or if unambiguous and free.

Any conversion which the user cannot prevent, and which has some cost or choice involved, is a problem in waiting: the added overhead may turn an otherwise reasonable computation into an infeasible one (think about a conversion triggered a couple million times); or can add extra complications (say if the user has to come up with a careful plan to detect and undo the conversion).

Thus, automatic conversions should only be performed if they are absolutely necessary; or if they are unambiguous and free.

3. Provide explicit conversion functions for as many data types as possible.

While user's should not be forced into conversions, it nevertheless should be possible to perform sensible conversions. The simpler it is to do so, the easier it is to use the interface.

4. Conversion round trip fidelity.

If an object is converted from Julia to GAP and back to Julia (or conversely, from GAP to Julia and back to GAP), then ideally the result should be at least equal and of equal type to the original value. At the very least, the automatic conversions should follow this principle.

This is of course not always possible, due to mismatches in existing types, but we strive to get as close as possible.

Automatic (implicit) conversions

GAP has a notion of "immediate" objects: these are objects which are stored inside the "pointer" referencing them. GAP uses this to store small integers (also known as immediate integers, or intobj), and elements of small finite fields (FFEs). Since these are not valid pointers, they cannot be treated like other GAP objects (which are simply Julia objects of type Main.ForeignGAP.MPtr). Instead, a conversion is unavoidable (at least when they are passed as stand-alone arguments to a function).

To this end, GAPJulia converts GAP immediate integers into Julia Int64 objects, and vice versa. But note that GAP immediate integers on a 64 bit system can only store 61 bits, so not all Int64 can be converted into intobjs; those are therefore wrapped like any other Julia object. Other Julia integer types, like e.g. UInt64, Int32, etc. are also wrapped by default, to ensure conversion round trips do not arbitrary change object types.

All automatic conversions and wrapping are handled on the C functions julia_gap and gap_julia in JuliaInterface.

The following conversions are performed by julia_gap (conversion from Obj to jl_value_t*)

  • NULL -> jl_nothing
  • Immediate integer -> Int64
  • Immediate FFE -> GapFFE Julia type
  • GAP true -> Julia true
  • GAP false -> Julia false
  • Julia object wrapper -> Julia object
  • Julia function wrapper -> Julia function
  • Other GAP objects -> ForeignGAP.MPtr

The following conversions are performed by gap_julia (conversion from jl_value_t* to Obj)

  • Int64 -> Immediate integer (when it fits) or Julia object wrapper
  • GapFFE -> Immediate FFE
  • Julia true -> GAP true
  • Julia false -> GAP false
  • ForeignGAP.MPtr -> Obj
  • Other Julia objects -> Julia object wrapper

Manual (explicit) conversions

Manual conversion in Julia is done via the gap_to_julia or julia_to_gap functions. In GAP, conversion is done via the GAPTOJulia and JuliaToGAP functions.

gap_to_julia, GAPToJulia

The gap_to_julia, and its GAP counterpart GAPToJulia functions are completely implemented in Julia.

In GAP, the two signatures

  • GAPToJulia([IsJuliaObj,IsObject])
  • GAPToJulia([IsObject])

call, after implicit conversion of the IsObject, the Julia counterparts (described below).

In Julia, the function gap_to_julia has two possible signatures

  • gap_to_julia(::Type{T},obj)
  • gap_to_julia(obj)

For the first one, an specific type T to which the GAP object obj should be converted is given, and if a conversion is implemented, a Julia object of Type T is returned, otherwise an ArgumentError is thrown. For the following types T, the conversion is implemented:


The second signature chooses a sensible conversion, based on the GAP "Type" of obj. This might include checking various filters of obj and will be, in almost all cases, slower than the typed version. The following default conversions have been choosen:

Int64 -> Int64 Bool -> Bool GapFFE-> GapFFE MPtr and IsInt -> BigInt MPtr and IsRat -> Rational{BigInt} MPtr and IsChar -> Cuchar MPtr and IsString -> AbstractString MPtr and IsList -> Array{Any,1} MPtr and IsRecord -> Dict{Symbol,Any}


The julia_to_gap function is also completely implemented in Julia. It accepts a single argument, and then, depending on its type, attempts various conversions, as described in the following list:

Julia type GAP filter comment
Int64, MPtr, GapFFE, and Bool no change, rely on the automatic conversion
Other integers (including BigInt) IsInt integers
Rational{T} IsRat rationals
Float16, Float32, Float64 IsFloat machine floats
AbstractString IsString strings
Symbols IsString strings
Array{T,1} IsList plain lists
Tuples IsList plain lists
Dict{String,T}, Dict{Symbol,T} IsRecord records
Array{Bool,1} IsBlist boolean lists
Ranges IsRange ranges

Note that Array{Bool,1} includes BitArray{1}.


On the GAP side, JuliaToGAP is a GAP constructor taking two arguments: a GAP filter, and an object to be converted. Various methods for this constructor then take care of input validation and the actual conversion, usually by delegating to julia_to_gap. The exceptions are for those types which are taken care of the automatic conversion. All in all, The following filters are accepted, the accepted inputs are then as described in the preceeding table:

  • IsInt
  • IsRat
  • IsFFE
  • IsFloat
  • IsBool
  • IsChar
  • IsRecord
  • IsList
  • IsRange TODO
  • IsBlist TODO
  • IsString

TODOs and questions

  • For gap_to_julia, an alternative approach would be to provide a bunch of constructor methods; e.g. BigInt(x::MPtr) or big(x::MPtr) to convert a GAP object to a Julia BigInt, if possible. Explain why we did not do this instead of gap_to_julia; think about the possibility of still prodiving these, possible implemented by calling to gap_to_julia (or vice versa: implement constructors, use them to implement gap_to_julia).

    • Pro constructors: BigInt(x) is shorter than gap_to_julia(BigInt, x)
    • Con constructors: gap_to_julia(BigInt, x) looks more generic/cleaner and is self-explaining.
    • ??? symmetry perhaps?
  • discuss / add more dedicated conversion functions and/or special wrapper kinds. E.g.:

    • add a custom big or BigInt method (or both?) which converts GAP integers to Julia (similar for GAP rationals, but there we may want to let the user choose which integer type to use on the Julia side for numerator and denominator
    • add converts from Julia bigints (and also Julia rationals over various integer types, including bigints) to GAP
    • there could be a Julia type hierarchy of wrappers, e.g.: GAPInt <: GAPRat <: GAPCyc ; those types would wrap the corresponding GAP objects; i.e., they would simply wrap a Union{MPtr,Int64}, but perhaps provided nicer integration with the rest of Julia, like methods for, say, gcd etc. which are properly type restricted; or nicer printing (w/o the GAP: prefix even?); etc. Not really sure whether this is useful, though.
    • How do other types of integers, e.g., fmpz from FLINT, enter this setup? Are the julia Big really useful?